
Initial App Setup

  • touch server.js
  • npm init -y
  • npm install express express-handlebars sequelize mysql2

Server Setup

  1. Require express
  2. Create an instance of express app
  3. Create a port. Ensure you account for the environment variable in Heroku.
  4. Listen on the port.
  5. Add routes (/api/config is great for testing)

Confirm all this works. Then . . .

  1. Add body parsing middleware.
  2. Optional: Add in the express static route use for public folder

Handlebars Setup

  1. Require express-handlebars
  2. Configure express-handlebars.
  3. Create the folder structure (/views/layouts/main.handlebars)
  4. Create an index.handlebars to inject into the {{{body}}}
  5. Add get route to res.render index.

Sequelize Setup

  1. Run sequelize init:config & sequelize init:models (Confirm when you see config and models directories)
  2. Create schema.sql file to store your new database creation queries.
  3. Run the schema file in MySQL Workbench to create the database.
  4. Modify config.json file with database name and password (for development).
  5. Create a basic model
  6. Update the server by requiring db, and syncing before server start.

Expand Views and API Routes