Ansible postgres_basic

Ansible role which installs and configures basic standalone PostgreSQL from Ubuntu repository.

WARNING: This doesn't deal with character encoding, you need to take care of this before creating DBs See:


This has been tested on Ansible 1.9.4 and higher.

To install, invoke in your role folder:

git clone postgres_basic

Role name will be 'postgres_basic'.


postgresql_dbname: foo
postgresql_dbuser: foo
postgresql_dbpassword: verysecretpassword


This project comes with a Vagrantfile, this is a fast and easy way to test changes to the role, fire it up with vagrant up

See vagrant docs for getting setup with vagrant

Once your VM is up, you can reprovision it using either vagrant provision, or ansible-playbook tests/playbook.yaml -i inventory

When done, invoke vagrant destroy command.


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.