Node.js bindings for the figo Connect API:
First, you've to install the package:
npm install -g figo
Now you can create a new session and access data:
var figo = require("figo");
var async = require("async");
var session = new figo.Session("ASHWLIkouP2O6_bgA2wWReRhletgWKHYjLqDaqb0LFfamim9RjexTo22ujRIP_cjLiRiSyQXyt2kM1eXU2XLFZQ0Hro15HikJQT_eNeT_9XQ");
// Print out list of account numbers and balances.
session.get_accounts(function(error, accounts) {
if (!error) {
accounts.forEach(function(account) {
// Print out the list of all transaction originators/recipients of a specific account.
session.get_account("A1.1", function(error, account) {
if (!error) {
account.get_transactions(null, function(error, transactions) {
if (!error) {
transactions.forEach(function(transaction) {
It is just as simple to allow users to login through the API:
var figo = require("figo");
var open = require("open");
var connection = new figo.Connection("<client ID>", "<client secret>", "");
var start_login = function() {
// Open web browser to kick of the login process.
var process_redirect = function(authorization_code, state) {
// Handle the redirect URL invocation from the initial start_login call.
// Ignore bogus redirects.
if (state !== "qweqwe") {
// Trade in authorization code for access token.
var token_dict = connection.obtain_access_token(authorization_code, null, function(error, token_dict) {
if (!error) {
// Start session.
var session = new figo.Session(token_dict.access_token);
// Print out list of account numbers.
session.get_accounts(function(error, accounts) {
if (!error) {
accounts.forEach(function(account) {
In this repository you can also have a look at a simple console(console_demo.js) and web demo(web_demo). While the console demo simply accesses the figo API, the web demo implements the full OAuth flow.