- Intro to coding style in CP: Getting Used to Contest Style – Boplet AGI
☆ | Problem | Solution |
★☆☆ | Subarray with given sum | (1) Only non-negateive nos. (2) -ve nos. allowed, using hashmap (3) -ve nos. allowed, constant space |
Floyd cycle detection algo proof StackExchange, Video, Code
☆ | Problem | Solution |
★★★ | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | Link |
★★★ | Max Rectangle in Binary Matrix | Link |
Radix sort
Counting sort
Finding all sub-palindromes in O(N)
//TODO: find better video
Video explanation: Algorithm is not straigtforward, better to familiarize yourself first
Article: Contributed as a PR in this article, what I would have written in my notes.
First think about naive algo. Place pattern P below ith index in string A. Then perform O(|P|) search. Repeat for order O(|A|) times.
Let i & j be traversing A and P respectively. Suppose in the first iteration, only the last letter of P does not match A, all before the last letter do match A. Then in the next iteration, i will have to be shifted back to i=1. This is the extra work.
// TODO: explain KMP
Rabin Karp
- Pattern matching using rolling hash technique.
Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP): One of the best video explanations I could find. For computing prefix function. KMP code well commented
Algorithm for finding all the prime numbers in a segment [1:n] using O(nloglogn)
Prime number theorem: no. of primes less than n is approximately equal to
. -
Let there be
primes less thann
. Thus thek ~= n/ln(n)
. Also, the kth prime no. is closest ton
. Thus
k*ln(k) = {n/ln(n)}*{ln(n) - ln(ln(n))}
~= n
~= value of kth prime
Segemented Sieve: Quite imp from interview perspective. This video is part English and part Hindi, though a good one.
Builtin functions of GCC compiler (__builtin_popcount(), __builtin_parity(), __builtin_clz(), __builtin_ctz())
(n & n-1) : Set first 1 from end to 0
XOR to find num occurring odd no. of times
☆ | Problem | Solution |
★☆☆ | Find subarray with given sum (with -ve numbers) | GFG solution |
☆ | Problem | Solution |
★☆☆ | Longest Common Subsequence | Link Video |
★☆☆ | Longest Increasing Subsequence //TODO: | Video |
★★☆ | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | Link |
★★☆ | Distinct Subsequences | Video |
★☆☆ | Longest Palindromic Substring | Video |
0-1 knapsack
Damerau-Levenshtein distance Just an addition of a
function to Levenshtein distance. Think on your own first, then refer
Refer DFS implementation in
Iterative DFS implementation comes in handy for many questions where you might not want to use recursion for DFS
Detect cycle using DFS
- Detect cycle using BFS
Find the length of the shortest path dij between each pair of vertices i and j
-ve edges allowed, but not -ve cycles
Although, can be used to detect -ve cycles: if the dist of a vertex v from itself is negative.
Before the kth iteration, the d[i][j] contains the shortest distance between nodes i & j using only the nodes {1,2,...,k-1} in between i & j.
Proof by induction:
For k=0,
d[i][j] == wt[i][j]
if there exists and edge between i and j. Otherwise,d[i][j] == INF
Let the above claim be true for k. So for (k+1)th iteration there can only be two cases
- path between //TODO:
What is an intuitive explanation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm?
Why is the order of the loops in Floyd-Warshall algorithm important to its correctness
Kruskal’s algo - Code //TODO:
Prim’s algo - Code //TODO:
Disjoint set data structure or Union-Find Algo
- Naive implementation
- [With path compression & union by rank] GFG Article, CP-Algorithms Article, Implementation Code
- Detect Cycle using UF algo - Simple logic follows from above
- Question: Job sequencing using Disjoing Set //TODO:
- Refer CLRS (Ch: Graphs Algorithms -> DFS)
If a node has even a single outgoing edge, then it cannot be the one finshing last during DFS
Equivalently, if a node has only incoming edges and you reverse all the edges, then it will be the first one to finish.
Refer CLRS (Ch: Graphs Algorithms -> DFS)
Have a look at the implementation in
`s` : source vertex
`|V|` : num vertices
`d[v]` : current smallest dist of v from s
`delta(s,v)` : true shortest dist of v from s
- Iterations: In each iteration, we go over all the edges. For each edge
, we update
d[e.second] = min (
d[e.first] + e.cost
Total |V|-1 iterations: it is guaranteed that after k iterations, all nodes reachable from S would have d[v] == delta(s,v)
Correctness of algo: any shortest path to a node v from s can have at most |V|-1 edges in it. Thus, in |V|-1 iterations, we would have d[v] == delta(s,v) for all vertices v.
Existence of -ve cycle: If in |V|th iteration there is still a relaxtion possible (observed), then there definitely exists a -ve cycle
To find -ve cycle reachable from s: During the Vth iteration, let
be the last vertex for which a relaxation was made.x
either lies on the cycle or is reachable from it. Then followx
's ancestors till you reach the -ve cycle. Going back |V| time fromx
will ensure that you are definitely in the -ve cycle. Then we can trace the cycle. -
To find any -ve cycle: Initialize all d[v] to 0 (instead of INF), as if we were trying to find shortest path from all vertices simoltaneously. The validity of -ve cycle detection remains the same.
If there are -ve edges, do not relax those edges yet which end on nodes that haven't even been discovered (aren't reachable in k edges if only k iterations are done). Because those nodes will have
and then new value could beINF-1
, etc. -
When -ve cycle are present then d[] values could overflow (going below -INF). Take care of integer overflow.
Shorter path faster algorithm (SPFA)
takes advantage of the fact that not all attempts at relaxation will work. The main idea is to create a queue containing only the vertices that were relaxed but that still could further relax their neighbors. And whenever you can relax some neighbor, you should put it in the queue.
This too can be used to find -ve cycle.
Keep count of no. of relaxations for each node. If count[v] > |V|, then -ve cycle exists.
Keep track of all nodes in queue using a boolean array. Add to queue only if not already present.
Note: relaxation happens without caring about which nodes are in the queue. The only purpose of queue is to record all nodes that have been relaxed. A node in queue might even be relaxed twice before actually being processed.
CLRS chapter on SSSS has the best proofs
Amazing article on B-F algo, watch out for the gotchas in implementation
Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (SPFA). Also refer to
CLRS chapter on SSSS has the best proofs
- Number of paths of length k in a graph. Appreciate the brilliance of the solution for unweighted graph. Then try to figure out the solution for weighted graph on your own.
Preorder, Postorder, Inorder Traversal - GFG Article
Iterative versions of traversals (certainly non-trivial, would be good exercise) Preorder iterative, Postorder iterative, Inorder iterative
Level Order Traversal - Iterative & Recursive Code, InterviewBit Question
Recursive function that maintains some variable but returns something else
Serializing & deserializing a binary tree - Minimum requirements for successful encoding & decoding:
- BST - simply using preorder
- complete tree - level order
- full tree preorder with a bit with every node to store zero/two nodes
- general binary tree - both preorder and inorder required or preoder with NULL marker
fromn/2 downto 1
only -
Runtime of
O(n) instead of O(nlogn) (). Stillheapsort
takes O(nlogn) time. SeeReference-1
Heap notes Pg14 -
Heap notes Pg22
BST lecture notes (recommended after watching the lecture video)
Used to find sum of range of indices in an array in O(logn) time. Brute force would take O(n) time for computing sum, O(1) time for value update
Leaf nodes are the array itself. Subsequent upper layer contain nodes which simply represent the sum of their own sub-tree.
Total no. of nodes in tree = n + n/2 + ... + 1
= (2^(logn +1) - 1)/(2-1) = 2n -1
= O(n) space
Time complexity for update is O(logn) since only one of the leaf values changes. Then you just have to change all its ancestors upto the root.
has left borer inclusive and right border exclusive.
Codeforces EDU - ITMO Academy - Segment Trees You will need to login to Codeforces first. Can skip the video and go straight to the article.
//TODO: Advanced topic: Lazy propagation in segment trees
Huffman Coding: Try to implement this on your own before looking at the code. It would require a mix of data structures to implement quick compression and decompression.
Majority element using BST
Majority element using Hashmap
Element in LL w/ freq >= N/3