Topics and notes from my CP journey




Problem Solution
★☆☆ Subarray with given sum (1) Only non-negateive nos. (2) -ve nos. allowed, using hashmap (3) -ve nos. allowed, constant space

Tortoise and Hare algo

Stacks & Queues

Problem Solution
★★★ Largest Rectangle in Histogram Link
★★★ Max Rectangle in Binary Matrix Link


Linear time sorting


Manacher's Algorithm

  • Finding all sub-palindromes in O(N)

//TODO: find better video

  • Video explanation: Algorithm is not straigtforward, better to familiarize yourself first

  • Article: Contributed as a PR in this article, what I would have written in my notes.

Pattern matching

  • KMP

    • First think about naive algo. Place pattern P below ith index in string A. Then perform O(|P|) search. Repeat for order O(|A|) times.

    • Let i & j be traversing A and P respectively. Suppose in the first iteration, only the last letter of P does not match A, all before the last letter do match A. Then in the next iteration, i will have to be shifted back to i=1. This is the extra work.

    • // TODO: explain KMP

  • Rabin Karp

    • Pattern matching using rolling hash technique.

Z algorithm


Binary exponentiation

Sieve of Eratosthenes

  • Algorithm for finding all the prime numbers in a segment [1:n] using O(nloglogn)

  • Prime number theorem: no. of primes less than n is approximately equal to n/ln(n).

  • Let there be k primes less than n. Thus the k ~= n/ln(n). Also, the kth prime no. is closest to n. Thus

k*ln(k) = {n/ln(n)}*{ln(n) - ln(ln(n))}
        ~= n
        ~= value of kth prime


Fermat's little theorem

Compute nCr

Bit manipulation

Hash Map

Problem Solution
★☆☆ Find subarray with given sum (with -ve numbers) GFG solution


Problem Solution
★☆☆ Longest Common Subsequence Link Video
★☆☆ Longest Increasing Subsequence //TODO: Video
★★☆ Longest Palindromic Subsequence Link
★★☆ Distinct Subsequences Video
★☆☆ Longest Palindromic Substring Video



  • Refer DFS implementation in dfs-recursive.cpp, dfs-iterative.cpp

  • Iterative DFS implementation comes in handy for many questions where you might not want to use recursion for DFS

  • Detect cycle using DFS


  • Detect cycle using BFS

Floyd-Warshall algo

  • Find the length of the shortest path dij between each pair of vertices i and j

  • -ve edges allowed, but not -ve cycles

  • Although, can be used to detect -ve cycles: if the dist of a vertex v from itself is negative.

  • Before the kth iteration, the d[i][j] contains the shortest distance between nodes i & j using only the nodes {1,2,...,k-1} in between i & j.

  • Proof by induction:

    • For k=0, d[i][j] == wt[i][j] if there exists and edge between i and j. Otherwise, d[i][j] == INF

    • Let the above claim be true for k. So for (k+1)th iteration there can only be two cases

      1. path between //TODO:

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)

Topological sort

  • Refer CLRS (Ch: Graphs Algorithms -> DFS)

Strongly connected components (Tarjan’s Algo)

  • If a node has even a single outgoing edge, then it cannot be the one finshing last during DFS

  • Equivalently, if a node has only incoming edges and you reverse all the edges, then it will be the first one to finish.

  • Refer CLRS (Ch: Graphs Algorithms -> DFS)

  • Have a look at the implementation in scc.cpp

Bellman Ford's

`s`           : source vertex
`|V|`         : num vertices
`d[v]`        : current smallest dist of v from s
`delta(s,v)`  : true shortest dist of v from s
  • Iterations: In each iteration, we go over all the edges. For each edge e, we update
d[e.second] = min (
  d[e.first] + e.cost
  • Total |V|-1 iterations: it is guaranteed that after k iterations, all nodes reachable from S would have d[v] == delta(s,v)

  • Correctness of algo: any shortest path to a node v from s can have at most |V|-1 edges in it. Thus, in |V|-1 iterations, we would have d[v] == delta(s,v) for all vertices v.

  • Existence of -ve cycle: If in |V|th iteration there is still a relaxtion possible (observed), then there definitely exists a -ve cycle

  • To find -ve cycle reachable from s: During the Vth iteration, let x be the last vertex for which a relaxation was made. x either lies on the cycle or is reachable from it. Then follow x's ancestors till you reach the -ve cycle. Going back |V| time from x will ensure that you are definitely in the -ve cycle. Then we can trace the cycle.

  • To find any -ve cycle: Initialize all d[v] to 0 (instead of INF), as if we were trying to find shortest path from all vertices simoltaneously. The validity of -ve cycle detection remains the same.

  • Gotchas:

    • If there are -ve edges, do not relax those edges yet which end on nodes that haven't even been discovered (aren't reachable in k edges if only k iterations are done). Because those nodes will have d[v]==INF and then new value could be INF-1, INF-2, etc.

    • When -ve cycle are present then d[] values could overflow (going below -INF). Take care of integer overflow.

  • Shorter path faster algorithm (SPFA)

    • takes advantage of the fact that not all attempts at relaxation will work. The main idea is to create a queue containing only the vertices that were relaxed but that still could further relax their neighbors. And whenever you can relax some neighbor, you should put it in the queue.

    • This too can be used to find -ve cycle.

    • Keep count of no. of relaxations for each node. If count[v] > |V|, then -ve cycle exists.

    • Keep track of all nodes in queue using a boolean array. Add to queue only if not already present.

    • Note: relaxation happens without caring about which nodes are in the queue. The only purpose of queue is to record all nodes that have been relaxed. A node in queue might even be relaxed twice before actually being processed.


Maxim Flow algo

Ford Fulkerson

Bipartite Graph

Finding negative cycles

Graph elegant solutions



Imp concepts


  • build_max_heap runs max_heapify from n/2 downto 1 only

  • Runtime of build_max_heap O(n) instead of O(nlogn) (). Still heapsort takes O(nlogn) time. See Reference-1 and Reference-2 below.

Binary search trees

AVL Trees

Segment trees

  • Used to find sum of range of indices in an array in O(logn) time. Brute force would take O(n) time for computing sum, O(1) time for value update

  • Leaf nodes are the array itself. Subsequent upper layer contain nodes which simply represent the sum of their own sub-tree.

  • Total no. of nodes in tree = n + n/2 + ... + 1

    = (2^(logn +1) - 1)/(2-1) = 2n -1

    = O(n) space

  • Time complexity for update is O(logn) since only one of the leaf values changes. Then you just have to change all its ancestors upto the root.

  • Sum(l,r) has left borer inclusive and right border exclusive.


  • Huffman Coding: Try to implement this on your own before looking at the code. It would require a mix of data structures to implement quick compression and decompression.

  • Majority element using BST

  • Majority element using Hashmap

  • Element in LL w/ freq >= N/3

  • Love Babbar suggest coding questions