Groovy ODI SDK Development

A. Requirements

  • JDK 1.6.37
  • Oracle 11g XE
  • ODI 11g
  • Maven 3.2.5

For convenience, please update below environment variables

JAVA_HOME = JDK path - eg: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_37
M2_HOME = Maven 3.2.5 - eg: C:\apache-maven-3.2.5
ODI_HOME = ODI 11g home - eg: C:\oracle\product\11.1.1\Oracle_ODI_1
PATH - append $JAVA_HOME/bin; $M2_HOME/bin

B. Maven Project

SDK Libs

ODI SDK Libs are supplied by Oracle & these external libs need to be installed into Local Maven repository for ODI development. Use the command-snippets here to install libs in ODI-Installation directory to Local .M2 repository. Corporate Central Repository (such as artifactory, nexus) can also install these libs & may ease the trouble installing locally.

These libs are then used as dependencies inside pom.xml

SDK Scripts

Under $ODI_HOME/oracledi.sdk/lib/scripts/xml we have basic configuration scripts for ODI repositories. The scripts need to exist in the same directory as .jar (For IntelliJ IDE, update the classpath via Module Settings as mentioned here) Unfortunately scripts can't be packaged inside jar due to limitation from Oracle ODI (?) - link

Preparing Oracle 11 XE Database

Use DBA login to create schemas for ODI-Repo, Source & Target databases Sql Snippets at ODI-Repo-Sql & Src-Trg-Sql

C. Maven Build

Project is packaged into executable jar

git clone
cd odi-groovy-sdk-prj

mvn clean install
java -jar ./target/odi-groovy-sdk-prj-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <environment>

The main-class set to org.odideveloper.OdiConfigRunner via manifest.

ODI environments

The code supports different environments like dev, test, prod. Update the properties under src/main/resources/config to suit.

D. ODI Configuration

OdiConfigRunner is the main class to start the configuration -

Currently these configurations are implemented