A Docker environment and a sample application to demonstrate sharing state of RDDs across multiple spark applications using Apache Spark and Apache Ignite.
The Docker Image contains Spark and Ignite installations. A new container is startable as Spark master node or Spark worker node. On every Spark worker container a preconfigured Standalone Ignite server is also started.
Build the image with the following command:
docker build -t gszecsenyi/spark-ignite .
Or the image is downloadable from DockerHub with the following command:
docker pull gszecsenyi/spark-ignite
docker network create --driver bridge spark-net
docker run -dP --net spark-net --hostname spark-master --name spark-master gszecsenyi/spark-ignite master
docker run -dP --net spark-net --name spark-worker-01 gszecsenyi/spark-ignite worker spark://spark-master:7077
docker run -dP --net spark-net --name spark-worker-02 gszecsenyi/spark-ignite worker spark://spark-master:7077
docker exec -it spark-master /bin/bash
cd /opt/spark
./bin/spark-shell --packages org.apache.ignite:ignite-spark:2.3.0,org.apache.ignite:ignite-spring:2.3.0 --master spark://spark-master:7077
import org.apache.ignite.spark._
import org.apache.ignite.configuration._
val ic = new IgniteContext(sc, () => new IgniteConfiguration().setClientMode(true))
val sharedRDD: IgniteRDD[Integer, Integer] = ic.fromCache[Integer, Integer]("intpaircache")
sharedRDD.savePairs(sc.parallelize(1 to 100, 10).map(i => (i, i)))
Login into a different Docker Container and open there a new Spark Shell and execute the following code to read the cache from a different Spark Application (Spark Shell works as a Spark Application)
docker exec -it spark-worker-01 /bin/bash
cd /opt/spark
./bin/spark-shell --packages org.apache.ignite:ignite-spark:2.3.0,org.apache.ignite:ignite-spring:2.3.0 --master spark://spark-master:7077
import org.apache.ignite.spark._
import org.apache.ignite.configuration._
val ic = new IgniteContext(sc, () => new IgniteConfiguration().setClientMode(true))
val sharedRDD: IgniteRDD[Integer, Integer] = ic.fromCache[Integer, Integer]("intpaircache")
IMPORTANT: Because there is a bug in the Ignite Spark library (wrong version in pom files), the ignite SharedRDD doesnt work with sbt. These will be fixed in Ignite Version 2.4, than I update this text too.
There are two application in the source namely: RDDProducer and RDDConsumer. Run the following command in the project root direcotory to package the application:
$ sbt assmebly
When jar is produced. Submit both the applications by changing only the --class argument as:
$ spark-submit --class "net.szecsenyi.RDDProducer" --master spark://spark-master:7077 path_to_jar
$ spark-submit --class "net.szecsenyi.RDDConsumer" --master spark://spark-master:7077 path_to_jar
If we use an Ignite RDD, and execute a filter, then the filter will be pushed down to Ignite server.
JavaIgniteContext<Integer, Integer> igniteContext = new JavaIgniteContext<Integer, Integer>(
sparkContext,"examples/config/spark/example-shared-rdd.xml", false);
JavaIgniteRDD<Integer, Integer> sharedRDD = igniteContext.<Integer, Integer>fromCache("sharedRDD");
JavaPairRDD<Integer, Integer> transformedValues =
sharedRDD.filter(new Function<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Boolean>() {
@Override public Boolean call(Tuple2<Integer, Integer> tuple) throws Exception {
return tuple._2() % 2 == 0;