
Simple app for notes. Simple setup for use in other projects. React + Fast API.

Primary LanguagePython

App Details


This is a React app created with:

npx create-react-app notes

npx is a part of npm toolset that comes with node.
App runs on LTS node (18.16.0).
To install correct node version run:

sudo apt install -y nodejs

sudo apt install npm

sudo npm install -g nvm

nvm install --lts

This should update npm to compatible version as well.
To run notes app locally:

npm install

npm start

For more details see notes/README.md


This is a Fast-API (python) app.

Initial setup was done with:

poetry new notes_backend

poetry add fastapi uvicorn sqlalchemy asyncpg python-dotenv

NOTE: using python-dotenv, not dotenv, dotenv is not compatible with pydantic

In order to build project quickly run:

poetry install

Run locally

cd notes; npm start

poetry shell; cd notes_backend; python main.py

Open localhost:3000.

Run with docker-compose

docker-compose up --build

Open localhost:3000.

Run with k8s

cd kubernetes

kubectl apply -f postgres.yml

kubectl apply -f notes_backend.yml

To open a service:

minikube service list

Get IP and port of notes-backend-service and open in the browser. (Frontend is not available yet)

Manual setup of DB

Run psql tool to enter db CLI:

psql -h <postgres_container_ip:> -p port:5432 -U username:app_user -W -d <db_name:notes>

Create tables:

psql -h -p 5432 -U app_user -W -d notes -f ./modules/note/db/tables.sql

Manual setup of DB with k8s

Copy SQL setup file (tables.sql) to a postgres pod (to main dir):

kubectl cp tables.sql postgres-statefulset-0:/

Login to the pod:

kctl exec -it postgres-statefulset-0 -- /bin/bash

Run psql tool:

psql -U app_user -W -d notes -f tables.sql


Go to localhost:9090 where prometheus exposes its interface and type in the field some examples:




Deployment (docker-compose)

Deployment changes must be done in several places:

  • main .env file in main dir (to define IPs)
  • prometheus.yml in main dir (to define targets for metrics scraping)
  • nginx.conf in main dir (to define which services a traffic should be redirected to)