
Tutorial webpage for DAC 2021 RISC-V tutorial with Tactical Computing Labs and LBNL

RISC-V tutorial at DAC-58 (Dec 08 2021)


This is an in-person workshop hosted at DAC-54. The tutorial information can be found on the official DAC page.

Date: 2021-12-18 (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PST)

Location: Room 3000, Moscone Center


  • David Donofrio, John Leidel - Tactical Computing Laboratories
  • Anastasiia Butko - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Jeffrey Young - Georgia Institute of Technology


How to register: DAC-58 registration link

Tutorial schedule

Time Contents Presenter Slides Notes
10:30-11:00 Open-source Hardware / Software Co-design David Donofrio Slides
11:00-11:20 Hands-on Exercises John Leidel, Dave Donofrio
11:20-11:40 Open2C: Open-source Generator for Coherent Cache Memory Subsystem David Donofrio Slides Research by Anastasiia Butko and colleagues
11:40-12:00 Novel RISC-V Implementations and Accelerators Jeffrey Young Slides
12:00 Wrap-up

Materials for the Hands-on portion

We'll be using the System Architect CoreGen repository here for the hands-on portion of this tutorial. The BasicRV32I.yaml file under Exercises will be used as the starting file for the hands-on portion of the tutorial.

VM Images and Remote Temporary Accounts

Remote Access for the DAC-58 RISC-V GPGPU tutorial

VM Access (Optional): Please see the "VM README" to get instructions for downloading and running the System Architect tools using Vagrant and VirtualBox. We suggest you use this option to continue your exploration after the tutorial as the image is somewhat large (1.1 GB).

For remote account access, please see this page. If you'd like a longer-term account to work with Coregen and the tools on a remote testbed, please request an account for the CRNCH Rogues Gallery testbed here.

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