#Camug Presentation - August 2013

##Presenter: Jean-Paul S. Boodhoo ##Develop With Passion®

#Getting Started

##Send me your github username (create an account if you don't have one) - mailto:jp@developwithpassion.com


  • Recommend the use of a ruby version manager (such as RVM)

  • Fork this repository (using the github account your provided me by email)

  • Clone your fork of this repository (I recommend cloning it to a path without spaces)

  • Navigate to the cloned repo folder in your shell

  • Run the following commands:

     . ./cenv
  • Verify that everything is working by running the tests:

     bundle exec ruby proofs/suite.rb 
    • You should see output similar to the following:

      General Movie Functionality
      Pass: Returns a list of all its movies that is not its internal data
      Pass: Can return a list of all of its movies
      Pass: Movie can be added to its list of movies
      Pass: Cannot add multiple copies of the same movie
      Pass: Cannot add two movies that have the same title (logically the same)
      searching and sorting
      Searching for movies
      /Volumes/machd/to_backup/repositories/presentations/camug_aug_2013/lib/movies/movie_library.rb:18:in `all_movies_published_by_pixar': undefined method `filter' for #<Array:0x007f966aa00a70> (NoMethodError)
              from /Volumes/machd/to_backup/repositories/presentations/camug_aug_2013/proofs/lib/movie_library.rb:168:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

We'll pick up everything else once at the beginning of the session.