
Dockerized Spring Boot 2 Example application

Primary LanguageJava

for TeamCity test

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Dockerized Spring boot 2 application

Docker plus Spring Boot plus Codefresh

This is an example Java application that uses Spring Boot 2 and Docker. It is compiled using Codefresh


To compile (also runs unit tests)

mvn package

To run integration tests

mvn verify

To run the webapp manually

mvn spring-boot:run

....and navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080/

To create a docker image

mvn package
docker build -t my-spring-boot-sample .

To run the docker image

docker run -p 8080:8080 my-spring-boot-sample

The Dockerfile also has a healthcheck

To use this project in Codefresh

There is also a codefresh.yml for easy usage with the Codefresh CI/CD platform.

See the multi-stage-docker branch of this repo for a Dockerfile that uses multi-stage builds and the respective codefresh.yml
