
Restores the lost scaling data of attachments when importing spine skeleton data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


spine2json (often mispronounced as spain2japan), is primarily a script that patches the wrong scaling of attachments when rendered using the Spine application.

spine2json provides API, parsers and batch scripts for manipulating skeleton data using NodeJS. The repository is based on Spine 3.8 runtime, specifically the TypeScript flavor.



Spine v3.8.87 or higher is recommended as it resolves most bugs and version incompatibilities. For full list, see #9.


To start developing on more up-to-date runtimes, you can fork this repository, or create a new branch for higher version via pull request.

Quoting the Main Issue

There are certain discrepancies between the internal architecture of Spine program itself, and the Spine-Unity plugin that is integrated inside Unity-based games. The problem becomes apparent when some attachments are wrongly scaled upon importing skel data directly into the former.

  1. Spine program (Java) and Spine-Unity plugin (C#) use comparatively different algorithm to read and render skel data.
  2. Nonessential data (i.e. a skel export option) includes scaling for attachments that were resized in Spine program during development.
  3. Nonessential data is read by Spine program when importing, to detect the size of rescaled attachments. However, this data isn't required in Spine-Unity plugin and other in-game runtimes. Verbatim: Nonessential data — Exports data not needed at runtime but required to use Import Data
  4. Since this data takes up space, it's a general practice for devs to exclude such "non-essential" data for file-size and performance reasons.
  5. The outcome is, Spine faces scaling errors, while Spine-Unity plugin renders the same data correctly.
  6. Devs already use .spine project files for convenience and backwards-compatibility, so their side remains mostly unharmed.

In fact, this is a common occurrence in games using the Spine runtime. There is even a discussion thread that is closely related to this issue.

The Solution

spine2json provides an elegant solution to this issue by reading original attachment dimensions from the atlas file, and using it as a reference for recalculating the scale values of the attachments accordingly.

The algorithm is available in /scripts/spine-json.mjs, and its pseudo-code goes like this:

// adjust skeleton scaling,
// based on attachment-to-atlas ratio
scaleX = scaleX * (width  / atlas.sprite.width);
scaleY = scaleY * (height / atlas.sprite.height);


Detailed documentation on spine2json's API can be found inside /docs/API.md.


CLI scripts can automate the processing of a skeleton, all the way from a Unity asset into a usable animation video of the live illustration.

Currently, only batch scripts (.bat), i.e. primarily for Windows, is being maintained, and may exhibit certain quirks.

Getting Started

Before running batch scripts, edit the batconfigs.bat file and ensure the paths and configurations match with your currently available setup.



asset is the asset file name, and model is the name of the actual model inside the asset.

The overall process is divided between 4 scripts:

  1. skel-src.bat: Extract skeleton .skel, atlas .atlas and texture .png from the Unity asset
> skel-src.bat [<asset>] [<model>]?
  1. skel-parse.bat: Fix scaling errors of the .skel, then save it as .s2j.json
> skel-parse.bat [<dirname>|<model>]
  1. skel-frames.bat: Render the skeleton via Spine, then export animation frame sequence as .png
> skel-frames.bat [<dirname>|<model>]
  1. skel-anim.bat: Encode the exported frames into a single compressed .webm video
> skel-anim.bat [<dirname>|<model>]


For simplicity, the examples use assets that are already available in the repository as demo.

Singular Unity Asset

For most skeletons, the .skel file is named after the asset name itself.

skel-src.bat admiral
skel-parse.bat admiral
skel-frames.bat admiral
skel-anim.bat admiral

Compound Unity Asset

In some cases, multiple skeletons may come bundled up inside a single asset. To deal with such assets, skel-src.bat accepts an extra argument as the skel name.

skel-src.bat visual_novel novel_illust_kaden
skel-parse.bat novel_illust_kaden
skel-frames.bat novel_illust_kaden
skel-anim.bat novel_illust_kaden