
Middleware library to integrate Redux apps with web analytics providers.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Use this library to integrate analytics vendor SDKs with your JavaScript app.


  • Abstract out vendor specific implementation to integrate with multiple vendors through a common API.
  • Provide seamless integration for Redux-based apps.
    • Use middleware to communicate with vendor SDK.
    • Dispatch actions to manage tracking behavior.
    • Dispatch actions to track user activity.
    • Integrate with developer tools without additional configuration.
  • Enforce consistency with Typescript types.

Quick start

If you are new to JavaScript ecosystem, you may want to start with the prerequisites.

1. Install dependencies

You'll need two or more packages depending on the vendor(s) you want to integrate with. To use Amplitude as an example, run the following commands in your app:

  • npm install @csod-oss/tracker
  • npm install @csod-oss/tracker-vendor-amplitude

2. Write configuration

There are two primary configuration options that the middleware accepts:

  1. MiddlewareSettings - controls middleware behavior.
  2. VendorAPIOptions - controls Vendor SDK behavior (used during initialization).
// [MiddlewareSettings] is a type for configuration
import { MiddlewareSettings } from '@csod-oss/tracker';

// create config object of type [MiddlewareSettings]
const middlewareSettings: MiddlewareSettings = {
  env: 'development'

// [AmplitudeAPIOptions] is a type for API configuration for Amplitude SDK
import { AmplitudeAPIOptions } from '@csod-oss/tracker-vendor-amplitude';

// write a function that returns a Promise that resolves to [AmplitudeAPIOptions]
// ({ getState, dispatch }) => Promise<AmplitudeAPIOptions>
const getVendorAPIOptions = () => Promise.resolve({ apiKey: 'vendor-api-key' });

Read more on configuration options here.

3. Add middleware to Redux store

This part involves setting up the tracker middleware to prepare your app to send tracking events. To add the middleware, you'll use the createTrackerStoreEnhancer factory function and pass the result (store enhancer) to Redux's createStore function.

// [createTrackerStoreEnhancer] creates the store enhancer/middleware
import { createTrackerStoreEnhancer } from '@csod-oss/tracker';

// To use Amplitude as a vendor, import the API [AmplitudeAPI]
import { AmplitudeAPI } from '@csod-oss/tracker-vendor-amplitude';

// include tracker store enhancer before applying other functional middlewares
const enhancer = compose(


  // create store enhancer with following arguments:
  // middlewareSettings, Vendor API, and function that resolves to Vendor API options
  createTrackerStoreEnhancer(middlewareSettings, AmplitudeAPI, getVendorAPIOptions),


// finally create store by passing in the store enhancer as the last argument
export const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, enhancer);

At this point, the middleware setup is complete. Next we'll look at how to implement tracking behavior.

4. Create actions

Create tracking actions by providing a payload to the action creator. The payload consists of two properties userData (user properties) and eventData (event properties) of type {object}.

If userData or eventData contains a property with value of type function, the action will be resolved by invoking the function with current state (store.getState()) as argument.

You can also provide a function as the payload. The function gets called with current state and must return object of type AnalyticsTrackAction.

// import function to retrieve action creators
import { getActionCreators } from "@csod-oss/tracker";

// get action creators by supplying a VendorKey
// this will ensure all action creators use the supplied key as prefix
const { track, trackWithState } = getActionCreators('amplitude');

// track action creater returns action of type [AnalyticsTrackAction]
  userData: {
    language: 'en-us'
  eventData: {
    eventName: 'CART_CHECKOUT',

Or you may use values from app state (store) as shown below:

// trackWithState action creator returns action of type [AnalyticsTrackActionThunkable]
  userData: {
    numberOfProductsViewed: (state) => `${state.user.numberOfProductsViewed}`
  eventData: {
    eventName: 'CART_CHECKOUT',
    itemIds: (state) => `${state.cart.addedIds}`

trackWithState action gets transformed into track action by the middleware. Learn more about actions and the middleware lifecycle here.

5. Dispatch actions

Once the tracking actions are created, all that is left is to call store.dispatch on them. It is up to your app and your Redux setup on how dispatch is invoked.

For React apps, react-redux is a standard way to wire up container components to Redux store. Use helpers mapDispatchToProps from react-redux or bindActionCreators from redux to hook up the dispatch.

Next, review API documentation below to gain a deeper understanding and tackle advanced use cases.



Released under the MIT license.