StoreAPP - AIP2018

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Generic Auction website running on React front-end and Express back-end


  • Root Directory = aip-project-2018-spring/
  • Client Directory = aip-project-2018-spring/client/
  • Server Directory = aip-project-2018-spring/server/


General Requirements

  • Node 8.12+
  • NPM 6.4.1+
  • Mongo Server (can be self hosted or web hosted)

Windows Requirements

You will need a bash client to run npm I recommend git-bash

  • Open two instances of the bash clients


  • Two terminals open


  • For windows and other operating systems you may need to have file extensions enabled. (google: how to enable file extensions)

To Run


  • Before you run this project, please make sure you have Mongo DB installed on your environment, for the detail intructions to install Mongo DB, please refer to Mongo's Official Site.


Server Part:

  • Navigate to the Root Directory of this project
  • open termial and enter npm run server:install
  • After the install is done, go into the server directory located in your project root
  • Open the file .env, Change the value of SECRET to something secret (example: SECRET=S3cr3T ); Change MONGO_URL to match the mongo url of your mongo server. Once changed save the file as .env
  • Navigate back to the Root Directory
  • open termial again and enter npm run server:start
  • Server will be available from http://localhost:3000/

Client Part:

  • Navigate to the Root Director of this project
  • npm run client:install
  • After install is done; Navigate to the Client Directory
  • Open the file .env, If you moved your api server to another server this is where you set the location (REACT_APP_API_URL=[url goes here]);
  • Once done editing the .env file save and close it.
  • Navigate to the project's Root Directory
  • run npm run client:start
  • The client will now be available from http://localhost:1337/

Env files

Server .env file

  • NODE_ENV this refer to the node environment, default is environment
  • PORT the port of server will be listing to, default is 3000
  • MONGO_URL this refer to the address of where your mongo db server are runing at, please change it according to your enviroment.
  • SECRET the secret key which will be used to encrypt for the jwt

Client .env file

  • PORT the port which the client will be listing to, default is 1337
  • REACT_APP_API_URL the rest api server address, default is http://localhost:3000/api which is runing in your local machine, if you wish to deploy, you may need to change it according to your server domain.
  • REACT_APP_NAME the application name, by default is AIP Auctions, you may need to change it according to your needs.

Folder structures


  • uploads - the folder stores the image that are uploaded from client.
  • server
    • authentication - authentication ralated code
    • config - the application config, e.g. types of categories, default data migration for the mongo db.
    • controllers - the controllers that handles business logic, e.g. the request & response for the rest api.
    • models - the models of in the application, e.g. the user, product.
    • routes - this define the routes of each rest api endpoint.
    • setup - the initial setup will be runing, e.g. create the db default tables.
    • utils - here is where utilities & helper function are.
    • validation - validation for the rest request, e.g the username, search key words ,etc.
  • node_modules - you will have it once you typed npm install, you will have this folder, this folder contains all the node js dependency that you need to run this project. do not create this folder manually.


  • public - where all the static html and images will be stored.
  • src - the source folder for the react.
    • Actions - where the redux actions are stored. each actions were responsible for the particular rest api request of each functions.
    • Components - where the react compoments are stored.
    • Reducers - where the redux reducers are stored, the reducers will update the state & requested data after each actions are triggered.
    • Utils - here is where utilities & helper function are.