
aka The League Snitch

This discord bot checks to see if players are streaming their League of Legends gameplay, if they are not... then they will be ROASTED!

File Structure Setup

We use LeagueDiscordBotFiles repository to store environment variables, custom roasts, and account associations.

── LeagueDiscordSnitch
 ├── LeagueDiscordBot
 ├── LeagueDiscordBotFiles

Setup Windows Task Scheduler

Windows Task Scheduler General Tab Windows Task Scheduler Triggers Tab Windows Task Scheduler Actions Tab Windows Task Scheduler Conditions Tab Windows Task Scheduler Settings Tab

Batch File Refactor

Edit all the locations in run-discord-bot.bat to the absolute paths on your pc.

Future Features To Look Out For

  • League leaderboard (slash command)
  • thank you message if user starts streaming before next check
  • add basic unit testing
  • possibly start using github secrets
  • need more custom roasts
  • handling of edge cases in LeageuSnitch.js
  • convert to typescript?
  • create a riot api class and add throttling

Authors (alphabetical)

  • Ryan Lubin
  • Gavin Tai