A class for image (sub)sampling for CNN derivates with the option to apply several kinds of augmentation methods.
What the class does is basically random sampling within a image volume with provided size and padding. To this volume subsample, Gaussian-filtering can be applied and the original images together with the Gaussian-filtered versions are stacked in the channel dimension. Next, transformation are applied, if requested. The output is a tensor of shape (batch_size, nx, ny, nz, n_channels). Same holds for the masks. In addition, it is possible to selectively sample, i.e. that each n-th sample includes labelled data (by which the selectively sampled class can be determined). Read more about the inputs below.
Be aware that each class in the masks will correspond to one channel, i.e. for two classes there will be two channels (and not one).
w: subsample dimensions as list of type int and length ndims, e.g. [80, 80, 80]
p: subsample paddings as list of type int and length ndims, e.g. [5, 5, 5]
location: path to folders with data for training/testing of type str
folder: folder name of type str
featurefiles: filenames of featurefiles of tupe str as list
maskfiles: filenames of mask file(s) to be used as reference as type str as list
nclasses: number of classes of type int
params: optional parameters for data augmentation
To extract single subvolumes, the method random_sample is used after initiation of a data collection instance.
w = [80, 80, 80]
p = [5, 5, 5]
location = '/scicore/home/scicore/rumoke43/mdgru_experiments/files'
folder = 'train'
files = ['flair_pp.nii', 'mprage_pp.nii', 'pd_pp.nii', 't2_pp.nii']
mask = ['mask.nii']
nclasses = 2
params = {}
params['each_with_labels'] = 2
threaded_data_instance = dsc.ThreadedDataSetCollection(w, p, location, folder, files, mask, nclasses, params)
batch, batchlabs = threaded_data_instance.random_sample()
To sample a whole volume, a separate method that generates a generator object is available. This is useful for evaluation.
batches = threaded_data_instance.get_volume_batch_generators()
for batch, file, shape, w, p in batches:
for subvol, subvol_mask, imin, imax in batch:
Optional inputs can be provided as dict (see example above).
whiten: perform Gaussian-filtering of images as type bool (default: True)
subtractGaussSigma: standard deviation for Gaussian filtering as list of len 1 or ndims (default: [5])
nooriginal: use only Gaussian-filtered images as type bool (default: False)
each_with_labels: input of type int to fix the selective sampling interval, i.e. each n-th sample (default: 0, i.e. off)
minlabel: input of type int to fix which label/class to selectively sample (default: 1)
deform: deformation grid spacing in voxels as list of len 1 or ndims with types int (default: [0])
deformSigma: given a deformation grid spacing, this determines the standard deviations for each dimension of the random deformation vectors as list with length 1 or ndims with types float (default: [0])
mirror: list input of len 1 or ndims of type bool to activate random mirroring along the specified axes during training (default: [0])
rotation: list input of len 1 or ndims of type float as amount in radians to randomly rotate the input around a randomly drawn vector (default: [0])
scaling: list input of len 1 or ndims of type float as amount ot randomly scale images, per dimension, or for all dimensions, as a factor, e.g. 1.25 (default: [0])
shift: list input of len 1 or ndims of type int in order to sample outside of discrete coordinates, this can be set to 1 on the relevant axes (default: [0])
gaussiannoise: input of type bool or float to apply random multiplicative Gaussian noise on the input data with given std and mean 1 (default: False)
vary_mean: input of type float to vary mean of images in a random manner (default: 0)
vary_stddev: input of type float to vary standard deviation of images in a random manner (default: 0)