
Portchain - Backend (Node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a web application written in JavaScript with Node and React. It retrieves data about container vessels and their schedules from an external API, analyzes this data and displays related statistics.

External API endpoints:


The backend server imports the data from the above endpoints, performs some transformations and exposes its own RESTful API for querying the data transformed with relevant statistics calculated internally. These include the number of completed port calls for each port and each vessel, port call duration percentiles, and port call forecast delay percentiles.

The backend API accepts GET requests on the ports and vessels endpoints, with optional query parameters used to sort and limit the requested data and compute additional statistics. The results are returned to the client as a JSON response.

Backend API endpoints:

GET /                                   - List all available endpoints

GET /ports                              – List all ports and their number of port calls
GET /ports/:portId                      – Find a port by ID 
GET /ports/:portId/schedule             - Find a port schedule by ID
GET /ports?[sortKey: string(s), sortDir: string, limit: number, durationPerc: number(s)]
                                        – List the top <limit> ports sorted by <sortKey> in a <sortDir> direction,
                                        along with the <durationPerc> percentiles of their port call durations

GET /vessels                            – List all vessels and their number of port calls
GET /vessels/:vesselId                  – Find a vessel by ID (i.e. IMO)
GET /vessels/:vesselId/schedule         - Find a vessel schedule by ID (i.e. IMO)
GET /vessels?[sortKey: string(s), sortDir: string, limit: number, delayDays: number(s), delayPerc: number(s)]
                                        – List the top <limit> vessels sorted by <sortKey> in a <sortDir> direction, 
                                        along with the <delayPerc> percentiles of their <delayDays>-day port call delays

The frontend client fetches data from the above endpoints and renders a graphical representation in the browser.

Frameworks and libraries

  • Express
  • NodeCache
  • Axios
  • React
  • Material-UI
  • Recharts

Setting up and running the application locally

  1. Make sure you have Node.js v12+ installed in your environment.
  2. Clone the portchain-backend and portchain-frontend repositories.
  3. Start the backend server by running npm install followed by npm start in the portchain-backend project directory.
  4. Launch the client application by running npm install followed by npm start in the portchain-frontend project directory.


  • The backend server is set to run on port 8080 and the frontend client on port 3000.
  • To ensure data integrity and isolate the business logic, all calculations are performed on the server.