Employment App

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contributing
  6. Tests
  7. Questions
  8. Contributors
  9. Deployment

1. Description

"Tinder for Companies and job seekers". Provides an interface that allow seekers and companies to find matches based on skill set, and to confirm interviews when there's mutual interest for a job opening.

2. Installation

Please go ahead and clone or download the repository provided in the link (please see under questions). A package.json file will be available . This will make it easy to manage and install the required packages for this program to work. . “npm install” command from the terminal will trigger the installation of all modules that are listed as dependencies in package.json.

3. Usage

Application provides the ability to do the following:

As a 'Seeker' you add your name to a list of potential candidates for employeers to show interest in, you can also show interest in employers. If both you and an Employer show interest in eachother, you are matched up for an interview.

As an Employer you can create jobs for Seekers to browse and show interest in. If you select a Seeker for a job they show interest in, you get a confirmed interview.

Associating your jobs, or if you're a job seeker, your user profile with a set of skills will improve the accuracy of your job matches, or matching candidates if you're a Company. If a candidate has one or more skills that match the skill requirements of a specific job, he will appear under the tab "job matches by skill", and vice-versa. To add skills, first create your user profile, if you're a seeker. Then go to the dashboard, or click "edit profile" in the homepage, and check de boxes with the skills you would like to select. As a company, first create a job on the dashboard, then click to edit the job you would like to add skills to, and check the boxes with the corresponding skills and click submit.

When there's mutual interest between candidate and company for a specific job opening, that interest will appear under the confirmed interviews tab.

4. License


URL: https://opensource.org/licenses/ISC

5. Contributing

Please feel free to contribute. However, please send a note to the email address below informing us of the contribution

6. Test

Validation is perfomed to ensure that data is not empty. Additionally, only authenticated users can access functions such as addding interests, add/edit/delete jobs/userdata and logout.

7. Questions

GitHub Username: gtankha

GitHub: https://github.com/gtankha/employment-app

In case of any questions, please reach out to the following contact email: gtankha@gmail.com

8. Contributors

Ronan Smith: basic front end, Dashboard routes, README

Gautam Tankha: Skill routes, back end implementation, Skill selectors

Marco Evangelista: Style, back end implementation, interest routes, revamped home page

9. Deployment
