
.vim settings for working @ tinyhippos

Primary LanguageVim Script

vim settings for tinyHippos.

These are just a starting point, feel free to edit them as you wish.

Just copy to your home dir and enjoy.


Ack plugin:

NOTE: You must, of course, install the ack script
in your path.
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ack-grep
ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/bin/ack
With MacPorts:
sudo port install p5-app-ack

jsHint plugin:

Currently this uses https://github.com/brentlintner/node-hint to run linting on the file.
The configuration is stored in: https://github.com/gtanner/tinyhippos.vimrc/tree/master/.vim/plugin/jshint
Feel free to symlink your standard .jslintrc file to this location


This plugin requires vim to be build with python.
