A simplicial mixture model is a parametric probability distribution which is used to fit topological structure to data.
- numpy > 1.16.2
- numba > 0.43.1
from smm import SimplicialMM, GLEMM_Parameters, MCMC_Integrator
from smm.helpfulfunctions import initialise_V
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% Generate some data, a noisy circle
N = 100
t = 2.0 * np.pi * np.random.rand(N)
X = np.vstack([np.cos(t), np.sin(t)]).T + \
0.1 * np.random.randn(N, 2)
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1])
% Setup the model with 5 feature vectors and 1-dimensional simplices
m, n, k = 5, 2, 1
L = SimplicialMM(m, n, k)
% Initialise parameters for the model
TH = GLEMM_Parameters(initialise_V(m, X), % initial vertex positions
L.M, % number of simplices
% Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo integrator
M = MCMC_Integrator(L, TH, X)
% Stochastic EM-algorithm to fit the model
per_step = "CUq" * 10 + "m"
M.perform(per_step * 100)
% Plot points sampled from the model using the fitted parameters M.TH
Y, _ = L.sample(M.TH, 1000)
plt.scatter(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], c='r', s=1)
To install run:
python setup.py sdist pip install dist/SMM-*.*.*.tar.gz
I use Sphinx for the documentation.
On Windows in a cmd shell in the docs/ directory I run:
make.bat html
to make the documentation.
I use pytest for testing, run:
from the project folder, to examine coverage I run:
pytest --cov=smm --cov-report html smm/test/
which requires pytest-cov to be installed.