Twin Prime SDK Examples

Build Status

This repository contains examples with Twin Prime SDK iOS programs.

In this directory are the 3 sample iOS applications:

  • SampleApp/
    • Objective-C example of NSURLRequest usage
  • AFSample/
    • Objective-C example of AFNetworking usage
  • SwiftSampleApp/
    • Swift example of NSURLConnection and NSURLSession


These examples depend on CocoaPods as a dependency manager. Please install CocoaPods according to their documentation:

You must have XCode installed together with XCode Command Line extensions.

How to use

The directory contains the build script To build, you run:


It will enter each of three directories, synchronize dependecies with Twin Prime SDK repository, and create XCode workspaces. Created projects will be built and recompiled.

Afterwards one can open .xcworkspace files and start editing them in XCode.
