Run password cracker

If you're running the project on nodes that are already reserved by us, please go to Section 2 directly. Otherwise, start with Section 1 to set up servers on GENI.

Section 1: Deploy the project on GENI

  1. Reserve resources on GENI

    Use the Rspec "password-cracker" to reserve nodes.

  2. Set up the web server

    Log into the node with clientID "Webserver" and run the following one by one:

    $ wget

    $ chmod +x

    $ ./

  3. Set up the master

    Log into the node with clientID "master"

    $ wget

    $ chmod +x

    $ ./

  4. Set up workers

    Log into the nodes with clientID "workerx", where x is number 1 to 5.

    Run the following commands:

    $ wget

    $ chmod +x

    $ ./

Section 2: Use the web interface to interact

  1. Run the following commands in order to start the system

    For Webserver: $ node index.js

    For Master: $ java Server

    For workers: $ ./worker.out

  2. In a web browser, go to "webserver_ip:9007", where webserver_ip can be found on GENI.

    For our resource, go to

  3. Enter md5 hash, number of workers (1-5) and size of a partition (e.g. 1000)

    Wait until the result comes back.

    To change the number of workers on the fly, enter a number for workers. Do no click "Submit". The web interface will dynamically detect the change.

Important assumptions

Max number of clients (web interface) at the same time: 1

Max number of worker nodes: 5

Input md5 hash for a 5-character password (a-z, A-Z) must be valid. We use this website for generating md5 hash: