- 2
Navigation and main area show collections and their record numbers but clicking on them does nothing
#393 opened by LukasDeco - 0
Claim Admin!
#347 opened by Guro - 1
I cant see my questions from the collection
#390 opened by oketh - 1
Admin panel not loading
#366 opened by angelvasa - 2
You are not an Admin. If you need to use the Houston Admin, please ask your Admin to grant you access. Back to Home Log out
#378 opened by ZjBluxx - 2
Admin page shows blank.
#388 opened by hcmuleva - 0
Customizing Meteor User Collection
#392 opened by Mona786 - 0
Collection issue
#389 opened by ghulammustafahaider - 0
Forgot usename and password
#387 opened by vinodkumarbanda - 2
Get an exception in Browser console, when I try to enter the houston admin page. Not working.
#386 opened by styssi - 0
I'm using houston-2.0.7 version. What is to be done so that the deleted collections are not displayed in dashboard?
#385 opened by harsha25593 - 7
working for meteor 1.3?
#372 opened by decadeofdata - 1
Houston not working on new meteor application as well as the existing application
#384 opened by psaelango - 0
Support for roles in Houston
#383 opened by RavDanny - 0
Horizontal scrollbar doesn't appear.
#382 opened by NemoJus - 8
Records are not shown
#375 opened by AlABarazi - 1
Contents of a collection Not showing!!
#381 opened by Eloyjaws - 1
Conflict with React-router?
#373 opened by simranbentel - 0
Helpful information
#380 opened by bdains - 0
- 1
Collection fields
#364 opened by aesmon - 2
Records List not showing version 2.0.7
#376 opened by kenshinman - 0
Signup forbidden [403]
#377 opened by dksharp - 0
Does Houston Support i18n DB?
#374 opened by krishaamer - 0
- 2
- 4
Error: User not found [403]
#345 opened by guinunez - 1
Is this package still maintained?
#370 opened by chmac - 0
Houston doesn't show collections
#369 opened by cihanzengin - 0
Problem with RouteController
#368 opened by nilsonivano - 2
Can't log in when log out of Houston
#357 opened by krishshree - 0
- 2
- 0
User collection
#363 opened by decadeofdata - 0
#362 opened by EdwardOkech - 0
Pagination infinite scroll
#361 opened by scenaristeur - 1
bad link for customizing
#360 opened by scenaristeur - 0
Linebreaks in Textareas not shown/saved
#358 opened by SeriousM - 1
UI refreshing on collection update
#353 opened by ngschaider - 2
Router sets body children invisible - Using templates and meteor packages (eg. datepickers) difficult.
#355 opened by aido179 - 1
Modal dialog won't appear.
#352 opened by Kostanos - 1
Get "auth failed" error message when trying to access remote mongo shell (*
#354 opened by zulhfreelancer - 0
Filter goes into no end loop
#351 opened by juliomac - 0
Adding/editing entries fails Collection2 schema checks
#350 opened by cvax - 1
Editing Collection: Houston stuck on "...Loading"
#342 opened by dougwells - 0
How can the UI be customized?
#349 opened by ccioloca - 1
Missing required parameters on path "/admin/:collection_name". The missing params are: ["collection_name"]. The params object passed in was: {"name":"journals"}.
#346 opened by byrne-yan - 0
error with source code
#344 opened by thiago-zaidem - 0
Browser Policy Conflict/Error
#341 opened by billh93 - 0