
Local HTTP proxy for HTML/JS-driven BOSSWAVE applications

Primary LanguageGo


For local "offline" web apps. Idea is to allow BOSSWAVE application/UI development using HTML/CSS/JS, talking to a local web proxy to communicate over BOSSWAVE

Design Discussion

We may actually want to do a set of more involved actions, including:

  • subscribing:
    • long running connection. Probably web-sockets?
  • long-running async operations:
    • e.g. wait for a db query to complete
  • regular request-response:

Will want a client library that is loaded from the proxy server that gives you all the function/library calls you need. Then we can change the implementation behind it whenever we want.

What's the implementation?

  • localstorage api?
  • addon libraries for remote services e.g. archiver



  • have one endpoint for each 'type' of call:
    • request/response
    • streaming (websocket)
    • others??
  • receive json object with function call + params:
    • deserialize to actual Params struct (e.g. bw2bind subscribe params)
    • do the call
    • take result, deserialize to interface{}, then serialize to json
    • send result back


Right now its a command-line tool, but that's not as nice to use

  • admin dashboard:
    • use an internal API on a DIFFERENT server:
      • avoids untrusted apps accessing admin privileges by using same-origin policy
    • browse/install/uninstall apps
    • other configuration
  • local DNS record:
    • append to /etc/hosts, probably
    • can we redirect the port? Or just get it to listen on port 80?

Installing Apps

  • apps are JUST a bundle of html/js/css pages, plus a config file
  • config file is just JSON that the app loads:
    • app loads the config by requesting it from the bw2proxy server
  • config contents:
    • key to use

Application Structure

  • index.html file
  • static files
  • manifest.json:
    • descriptions about the application: name + description, version
    • desired domain name? Need some local DNS for this