
Reverse engineering nLight occupancy sensors

nLight Reverse Engineering

###UDP Server

Do python listen.py <UDP port num> to listen for UDP packets on a given port. 2254 seems to be the default for SensorView


The dumps folder contains raw packet sequences:

  • occupied-10-thru-50.pcapng: unoccupied set to 10%, occupied set incrementally 10%, 20%, ... 50%
  • unoccupied-10-thru-50.pcapng: occupied set to 10%, unoccupied set incrementally 10%, 20%, ... 50%
  • setup-sequence- series of packets observed while commissioning the nLight SensorView software

Other files

process.txt contains my best guess for the order of packets sent during an acutation command

status.txt: more thoughts on the process:

packetcomaprison.txt: contains sequences of packets side by side for comparison

setup_sequence.txt: contains order of packets sent during setup sequence