
Python implementation of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing supporting model extensions

Primary LanguageC++


Python implementation of the Bayesian Knowledge Tracing algorithm, modeling student cognitive mastery from problem solving sequences.

Based on the work of Zachary A. Pardos (zp@berkeley.edu) and Matthew J. Johnson (mattjj@csail.mit.edu) @ https://github.com/CAHLR/xBKT. Python adaptation by Cristian Garay (c.garay@berkeley.edu).

Python notebook quick start example: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13iqM8mtYwtOKw3Ja4RS51ZTa4NnEQ26s

This implimentation can be used to define many BKT variants, including these from the literature:

Pardos, Z.A., Heffernan, N.T. (2012) Tutor Modeling vs. Student Modeling. In Proceedings of the 25th annual Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference. Marco Island, FL. AAAI. Pages 420-425.

Pardos, Z. & Heffernan, N. (2011) KT-IDEM: Introducing Item Difficulty to the Knowledge Tracing Model. In Konstant et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP). Girona, Spain. Springer. Pages 243-254.

Pardos, Z. A., Heffernan, N. T. (2010) Modeling Individualization in a Bayesian Networks Implementation of Knowledge Tracing. In P. De Bra, A. Kobsa, D. Chin (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP). Big Island of Hawaii. Pages. Springer. Pages 255-266.

This is intended as a quick overview of steps to install and setup and to run pyBKT locally.

Instalation and setup

Cloning the repository

git clone https://github.com/CAHLR/pyBKT.git

Installing Eigen

Get Eigen from http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page and unzip it into the pyBKT directory:

cd pyBKT
wget --no-check-certificate http://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/3.1.3.tar.gz
tar -xzvf 3.1.3.tar.gz
mv ./eigen-eigen-2249f9c22fe8 ./Eigen
rm 3.1.3.tar.gz

Installing Boost-Python

On Unix machines, install all the Boost Libraries using sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

On OS X, the easiest way to install Boost-Python is through Homebrew:

For Python 3 (when is not the default Python version in the machine)
- brew uninstall boost-python (if already installed)
- brew install boost-python --with-python3 --without-python

For Python 2 or when Python 3 is the default Python version.
- brew install boost-python


Before running make, check Makefile in the pyBKT folder. Be sure that the paths for all the libraries are correct (Boos-Python, Eigen, Numpy, OMP). The default python version in the Makefile is 3.6. If you have a different version, you will need to change NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH and BOOST_PYTHON_LIBS, accordingly.

Run make in the root directory of the pyBKT project folder. If this step runs successfully, you should see one .o and one .so file generated for each of the .cpp files and the simulated data generation and training example should complete successfully, printing ground truth and learned BKT parameter values.

Potential Errors When Running Makefile on OS X

You may see the following error while running make

    make: g++-4.9: No such file or directory

Try gcc --version in your terminal. If a version exists, you already have gcc installed. This error may be due to an incorrect version of gcc being called. In order to change the gcc version in Makefile, update the CXX variable. For example, you may need to change CXX=g++-4.9 to CXX=g++-5, depending on the version you set up.

If a version does not exist, you may need to download gcc49. This can be downloaded with brew.

These steps would allow you to set up gcc49. Run the following commands

    brew install --enable-cxx gcc49
    brew install mpfr
    brew install gmp
    brew install libmpc

The Makefile uses the python-config tool, if need to install it run: sudo apt install python-dev

Preparing Data and Running Model

Input and Output Data

pyBKT models student mastery of a skills as they progress through series of learning resources and checks for understanding. Mastery is modelled as a latent variable has two states - "knowing" and "not knowing". At each checkpoint, students may be given a learning resource (i.e. watch a video) and/or question(s) to check for understanding. The model finds the probability of learning, forgetting, slipping and guessing that maximizes the likelihood of observed student responses to questions.

To run the pyBKT model, define the following variables:

  • num_subparts: The number of unique questions used to check understanding. Each subpart has a unique set of emission probabilities.
  • num_resources: The number of unique learning resources available to students.
  • num_fit_initialization: The number of iterations in the EM step.

Next, create an input object Data, containing the following attributes:

  • data: a matrix containing sequential checkpoints for all students, with their responses. Each row represents a different subpart, and each column a checkpoint for a student. There are three potential values: {0 = no response or no question asked, 1 = wrong response, 2 = correct response}. If at a checkpoint, a resource was given but no question asked, the associated column would have 0 values in all rows. For example, to set up data containing 5 subparts given to two students over 2-3 checkpoints, the matrix would look as follows:

      | 0  0  0  0  2 |
      | 0  1  0  0  0 |
      | 0  0  0  0  0 |
      | 0  0  0  0  0 |
      | 0  0  2  0  0 |   

    In the above example, the first student starts out with just a learning resource, and no checks for understanding. In subsequent checkpoints, this student also responds to subpart 2 and 5, and gets the first wrong and the second correct.

  • starts: defines each student's starting column on the data matrix. For the above matrix, starts would be defined as:

      | 1  4 |
  • lengths: defines the number of check point for each student. For the above matrix, lengths would be defined as:

      | 3  2 |
  • resources: defines the sequential id of the resources at each checkpoint. Each position in the vector corresponds to the column in the data matrix. For the above matrix, the learning resources at each checkpoint would be structured as:

      | 1  2  1  1  3 |
  • stateseqs: this attribute is the true knowledge state for above data and should be left undefined before running the pyBKT model.

The output of the model can will be stored in a fitmodel object, containing the following probabilities as attributes:

  • As: the transition probability between the "knowing" and "not knowing" state. Includes both the learns and forgets probabilities, and their inverse. As creates a separate transition probability for each resource.
  • learns: the probability of transitioning to the "knowing" state given "not known".
  • forgets: the probability of transitioning to the "not knowing" state given "known".
  • prior: the prior probability of "knowing".

The fitmodel also includes the following emission probabilities:

  • guesses: the probability of guessing correctly, given "not knowing" state.
  • slips: the probability of picking incorrect answer, given "knowing" state.

Running pyBKT

You can add the folder path to the PYTHONPATH env variable in order to run the model from anywhere in your system. In Unix-based systems edit your .bash_rc or .bash_profile file and add:

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path_to_folder_containing_pyBKT_folder"

To start the EM algorithm, initiate a randomly generated fitmodel, with two potential options:

  1. generate.random_model_uni: generates a model from uniform distribution and sets the forgets probability to 0.

  2. generate.random_model: generates a model from dirichlet distribution and allows the forgets probability to vary.

For data observed during a short period of learning activity with a low probability of forgetting, the uniform model is recommended. The following example will initiate fitmodel using the uniform distribution:

     fitmodel = random_model.random_model_uni(num_resources, num_subparts)

Once the fitmodel is generated, the following function can be used to generate an updated fitmodel and log_likelihoods:

    (fitmodel, log_likelihoods) = EM_fit.EM_fit(fitmodel, data)


[TODO: Update Example Model]

See the file test/hand_specified_model.py for a fairly complete example, which you can run with python test/hand_specified_model.py.

Here's a simplified version:

import sys
sys.path.append('../') #path containing pyBKT
import numpy as np
from pyBKT.generate import synthetic_data, random_model_uni
from pyBKT.fit import EM_fit
from copy import deepcopy

#parameters classes
num_gs = 1 #number of guess/slip classes
num_learns = 1 #number of learning rates

num_fit_initializations = 20

#true params used for synthetic data generation
p_T = 0.30
p_F = 0.00
p_G = 0.10
p_S = 0.03
p_L0 = 0.10

#generate synthetic model and data.
truemodel = {}

truemodel["As"] =  np.zeros((num_learns,2,2), dtype=np.float_)
for i in range(num_learns):
    truemodel["As"][i] = np.transpose([[1-p_T, p_T], [p_F, 1-p_F]])

truemodel["learns"] = truemodel["As"][:,1, 0,]
truemodel["forgets"] = truemodel["As"][:,0, 1]

truemodel["pi_0"] = np.array([[1-p_L0], [p_L0]])
truemodel["prior"] = truemodel["pi_0"][1][0]

truemodel["guesses"] = np.full(num_gs, p_G, dtype=np.float_)
truemodel["slips"] = np.full(num_gs, p_S, dtype=np.float_)
#can optionally set learn class sequence - set randomly by synthetic_data if not included
#truemodel["resources"] = np.random.randint(1, high = num_resources, size = sum(observation_sequence_lengths))

print("generating data...")
observation_sequence_lengths = np.full(500, 100, dtype=np.int) #specifies 500 students with 100 observations for synthetic data
data = synthetic_data.synthetic_data(truemodel, observation_sequence_lengths)

#fit models, starting with random initializations
print('fitting! each dot is a new EM initialization')

num_fit_initializations = 5
best_likelihood = float("-inf")

for i in range(num_fit_initializations):
	fitmodel = random_model_uni.random_model_uni(num_learns, num_gs) # include this line to randomly set initial param values
	(fitmodel, log_likelihoods) = EM_fit.EM_fit(fitmodel, data)
	if(log_likelihoods[-1] > best_likelihood):
		best_likelihood = log_likelihoods[-1]
		best_model = fitmodel

# compare the fit model to the true model

print('prior\t%.4f\t%.4f' % (truemodel['prior'], best_model["pi_0"][1][0]))
for r in range(num_learns):
    print('learn%d\t%.4f\t%.4f' % (r+1, truemodel['As'][r, 1, 0].squeeze(), best_model['As'][r, 1, 0].squeeze()))
for r in range(num_learns):
    print('forget%d\t%.4f\t%.4f' % (r+1, truemodel['As'][r, 0, 1].squeeze(), best_model['As'][r, 0, 1].squeeze()))

for s in range(num_gs):
    print('guess%d\t%.4f\t%.4f' % (s+1, truemodel['guesses'][s], best_model['guesses'][s]))
for s in range(num_gs):
    print('slip%d\t%.4f\t%.4f' % (s+1, truemodel['slips'][s], best_model['slips'][s]))