
RDF schema for references to external (meta)data representations

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Ref Schema

Docs are here

Extending Ref Schema

Here's a short description of how to add a new external reference to ref schema

  1. Create a new file under models/ to contain the statements; create a new ontology URI that extends the ref URI. The base ref URI is https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref#, so if you were creating an extension for a new protocol, say Modbus, then you might choose a URI of https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/modbus#

  2. Ensure the new file contains an ontology declaration using that URI:

     @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
     @prefix ref: <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref#> .
     @prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
     @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
     @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
     @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
     @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
     @prefix modbus: <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/modbus#> .
     modbus: a owl:Ontology .
  3. Inside the new file, define all of the owl:ObjectProperty and owl:DatatypeProperty properties that would exist on the external reference shape. For Modbus, one might have:

    • IP address (for Modbus/TCP)
    • data type (one of coil, contact, register, ...)
    • address offset

    These properties should be in the ref: namespace, but the property names should start with some indication of the protocol (e.g. modbus*). You should have an skos:definitions and rdfs:label on each of these. You can use SHACL Property Shapes to further refine these definitions as well; (see step 6)

    # continuation of above .ttl file
    ref:modbusIPAddress a owl:DatatypeProperty
        rdfs:label "Modbus IP address" ;
        skos:definition "IP address of Modbus TCP/IP server where the item exists" .
    ref:modbusDataType a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:label "Modbus data type" ;
        skos:definition "Data type of the modbus item being referenced" .
    ref:modbusAddressOffset a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:label "Modbus address offset" ;
        skos:definition "Offset into the modbus address space where the referenced item exists" .
  4. Define a <EXTERNAL REFERENCE>ReferenceShape Node Shape in this new file which performs reflection on the reference in order to add the correct type annotation. This will refer to the ref:<EXTERNAL REFERENCE>Reference shape that we will define below. Here is an example of what this would look like for our Modbus shape:

     ref:ModbusReferenceShape a sh:NodeShape ;
         skos:definition "Infers a ModbusReference instance from the object of an hasExternalReference." ;
         sh:targetObjectsOf ref:hasExternalReference ;
         sh:rule [
           a sh:TripleRule ;
           sh:condition ref:ModbusReference ;
           sh:subject sh:this ;
           sh:predicate rdf:type ;
           sh:object ref:ModbusReference ;
         ] ;
  5. Define a has<EXTERNAL REF>Reference owl:ObjectProperty to the new file; this should point to the Reference shape defined below and be a subproperty (rdfs:subPropertyOf) of ref:hasExternalReference:

    ref:hasModbusReference a owl:ObjectProperty ;
      rdfs:range ref:ModbusReference ;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf ref:hasExternalReference ;
      rdfs:label "has modbus reference" ;
      skos:definition "Metadata for accessing a modbus item" .
  6. In model/all.ttl, add your new Reference shape. This should be both an owl:Class and sh:NodeShape and a subclass of ref:ExternalReference. Use all of the propery shapes you defined above; you can decide if they are optional or necessary. The Reference shape should exist in the ref: namespace. You should include a skos:definition and rdfs:label. For our Modbus example:

    ref:ModbusReference a owl:Class, sh:NodeShape ;
        rdfs:subClassOf ref:ExternalReference ;
        rdfs:label "Modbus Reference" ;
        skos:definition "Refers to a modbus item over TCP/IP" ;
        sh:property [
         sh:path ref:modbusIPAddress ;
         sh:minCount 1 ;
         sh:maxCount 1 ;
         sh:datatype xsd:string ;
        ] ;
        sh:property [
         sh:path ref:modbusDataType ;
         sh:minCount 1 ;
         sh:maxCount 1 ;
         sh:datatype xsd:string ;
         sh:in ("coil" "contact" "register")
        ] ;
        sh:property [
         sh:path ref:modbusAddressOffset ;
         sh:minCount 1 ;
         sh:maxCount 1 ;
         sh:datatype xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
        ] ;
  7. Finally add an import to your graph in model/all.ttl:

    <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref> a owl:Ontology ;
        dcterms:title "Ref Schema" ;
        dcterms:creator ( [ a sdo:Person ;
                    sdo:email "gtfierro@mines.edu" ;
                    sdo:name "Gabe Fierro" ] ) ;
        owl:imports <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/core#> ;
        owl:imports <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/bacnet#> ;
        owl:imports <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/ifc#> ;
        owl:imports <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/tsdb#> ;
        owl:imports <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick/ref/modbus#> ; # <--- added!