
API for archiving BOSSWAVE services using Giles2

Primary LanguageGo


API and command line tool for archiving data produced by BOSSWAVE drivers and services.

   savepoint - A new cli application

   savepoint [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     archive  Request that a given URI be archived
     addc     Load archive requests from config file
     rmc      Remove archive requests identified by config file
     remove   Request that a URI stop being archived (does not delete data)
     scan     Scan for archive requests
     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

You will likely use scan,addc and rmc most often

Archiving is done by attaching archive requests in the form of persisted metadata messages on URIs producing data you want to archive. Currently only timeseries data is supported.

An archive request has the following structure:

type ArchiveRequest struct {
		// AUTOPOPULATED. The entity that requested the URI to be archived.
		FromVK string
     	// OPTIONAL. the URI to subscribe to. Requires building a chain on the URI
     	// from the .FromVK field. If not provided, uses the base URI of where this
     	// ArchiveRequest was stored. For example, if this request was published
     	// on <uri>/!meta/giles, then if the URI field was elided it would default
     	// to <uri>.
     	URI string
     	Name string

     	// Extracts objects of the given Payload Object type from all messages
     	// published on the URI. If elided, operates on all PO types.
     	PO int

     	// OPTIONAL. If provided, this is used as the stream UUID.  If not
     	// provided, then a UUIDv3 with NAMESPACE_UUID and the URI, PO type and
     	// Value are used.
     	UUID string

     	// expression determining how to extract the value from the received
     	// message
     	Value string

     	// OPTIONAL. Expression determining how to extract the value from the
     	// received message. If not included, it uses the time the message was
     	// received on the server.
     	Time string

     	// OPTIONAL. Golang time parse string
     	TimeParse string

     	// OPTIONAL. Defaults to true. If true, the archiver will call bw2bind's "GetMetadata" on the archived URI,
     	// which inherits metadata from each of its components
     	InheritMetadata bool

To begin archiving some set of URIs, we can create an archive.yml file that contains an encoding of several archive requests and specifies where they should be placed. This is a simple, straightforward way to manage what gets archived.

# archive.yml

# this is the prefix for all URIs in this file
Prefix: scratch.ns/abc/def
# list of archive requests. Each entry is the set of key-value pairs comprising an archive request
	- AttachURI: s.top
	  ArchiveURI: s.top/pantry/i.top/signal/cpu
	  Value: Value
 	  MetadataInherit: true

The Value expression is an "objectbuilder" expression, which is essentially a JSON-like selector (think Python dictionaries or accessing a JSON object from Javascript) for arbitrary structs. See https://github.com/gtfierro/ob