
Experiments in using SHACL to **harmonize** Brick and Project Haystack

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This repository contains experiments exploring how to align Brick and Project Haystack.

Feature Overview

Generate Tag Shims

Tag shims are RDF graphs of SHACL shapes which provide bi-directional translation between Brick classes/shapes and Haystack tag sets/protos. simple_map.py contains a representative (but painfully incomplete) mapping between Haystack 4 protos and Brick classes. Running make generate-tag-shims will compile this mapping into a tag shim RDF graph, stored as simple_map.ttl.

The oap, protos, automapping-stuff and utah folders all contain partial work on establishing mappings between Brick classes and other Haystack tag interpretations.

Translating Brick <--> Haystack

The file haystack2brick.py turns a Haystack model into a Brick model (not all the way yet):

$ python haystack2brick.py alpha.json

The contents of the produced alpha.json.ttl file look something like this:

@prefix brick: <https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#> .
@prefix tag: <https://brickschema.org/schema/BrickTag#> .

<urn:bldg#a-0005> a brick:Mixed_Air_Temperature_Sensor,
        tag:has_exactly_5_tags_condition ;
    brick:hasTag "air",
        "temp" ;
    brick:isPointOf <urn:bldg#a-0001> .
<urn:bldg#a-0001> a brick:AHU,
        tag:has_exactly_8_tags_condition ;
    brick:hasTag "ahu",
        "vavZone" .

The file brick2haystack.py turns a Brick model into a Haystack model (not all the way yet):

$ python  brick2haystack.py g36-ahu-a9.ttl

The contents of the produced g36-ahu-a9.ttl.json looks something like this:

  "rows": [
      "id": {
        "_kind": "ref",
        "val": "urn:bldg#hwvlv_ahu",
        "dis": "urn:bldg#hwvlv_ahu"
      "heating": {
        "_kind": "marker"
      "equip": {
        "_kind": "marker"
      "valve": {
        "_kind": "marker"
      "id": {
        "_kind": "ref",
        "val": "urn:bldg#saf1_status",
        "dis": "urn:bldg#saf1_status"
      "equipRef": {
        "_kind": "ref",
        "val": "urn:bldg#saf1",
        "dis": "urn:bldg#saf1"

Serve Haystack from Brick Model

We can also query Haystack from a Brick model without needing to do the full translation. This is obviously not the full Haystack query lang, but it is a start. Run the client.py script and then type in Haystack tags to get back JSON-LD snippets of the Brick model.

$ python client.py
> air temp
    "@id": "urn:bldg#mats1",
    "@type": [
    "https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#isPointOf": [
        "@id": "urn:bldg#ahu1"
    "@id": "urn:bldg#sats_ahu1",
    "@type": [
    "https://brickschema.org/schema/Brick#isPointOf": [
        "@id": "urn:bldg#ahu1"

Implementation Notes

The goal of the technical implementation is to establish a shared vocabulary that can serve as the point of interoperability between Brick and Haystack. Each term in the vocabulary is implemented as a class or shape in Brick, and as a proto in Haystack.

A Haystack proto is related to a Brick class when there is a 1-1 relationship between the two concepts. For example, the supply air temp sensor point proto in Haystack is equivalent to the brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor class in Brick. The discharge hot water heat valve cmd point proto in Haystack must be represented as multiple entities in Brick, so this would not be suitable to relate to a Brick class and must be handled as a shape. We cover both of these cases below, starting with simple 1-1 mappings.

Simple Mappings

To implement the 1-1 mapping between Brick classes and Haystack protos, we take as input a mapping table such as the one in simple_map.py and output an RDF graph (the so-called "tag shim") containing two kinds of rules for each proto-to-class mapping.

Brick-to-Haystack Rules

The first kind of rule produces, for each Brick entity, the tags comprising the relevant Haystack proto.

This is implemented by having the Brick class be the target of the SHACL shape, and then adding to that shape a set of rules which add the corresponding tags to the entity.

brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:rule [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:object "air" ;
            sh:predicate brick:hasTag ;
            sh:subject sh:this ],
        [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:object "point" ;
            sh:predicate brick:hasTag ;
            sh:subject sh:this ],
        [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:object "sensor" ;
            sh:predicate brick:hasTag ;
            sh:subject sh:this ],
        [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:object "supply" ;
            sh:predicate brick:hasTag ;
            sh:subject sh:this ],
        [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:object "temp" ;
            sh:predicate brick:hasTag ;
            sh:subject sh:this ] ;

Here, we also take advantage of the fact that the Brick ontology defines the owl:Class portion, so we jsut have to define the sh:NodeShape portion. If an owl:Class is also an sh:NodeShape, then all instances of that class are automatically the target of the sh:NodeShape.

One the rule is executed, is a straightforward transformation to produce the Haystack-compatible serialization of the resulting model. This can be by querying the tags for each entity1 and assembling the resulting JSON (see brick2haystack.py).


Taking as input the graph:

bldg:abc a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .

the rule above produces the following graph:

bldg:abc a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor ;
    # these are all inferred automatically
    brick:hasTag "air", "temp", "sensor", "supply", "point" .

Haystack-to-Brick Rules

The second kind of rule produces a Brick class for each entity in the graph with an appropriate set of tags.

The intuitive approach to implementation is to have a SHACL shape check each entity in a graph if it has all of the required tags to be considered an "instance" of one of the Haystack protos. We have to be careful here: it is not enough to just have all the required tags; the entity must also have only the required tags and no more2.

We use a single rule comprising one condition for each of the required tags. The output of the rule is a triple declaring the entity an instance of the corresponding Brick class.

tag:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor-TagShape a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:rule [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:condition _:has_air_condition,
                _:has_temp_condition ;
            sh:object brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor ;
            sh:predicate rdf:type ;
            sh:subject sh:this ] ;
    sh:targetClass tag:has_exactly_5_tags_condition .

The target of the rule matches only entities which have exactly the number of tags as conditions in the rule. This is more efficient and semantically equivalent to targeting every entity in the graph and including the tag count shape as one of the rule conditions.

Each of the tag conditions looks something like:

_:has_temp_tag sh:path brick:hasTag ;
    sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 ;
    sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:hasValue "temp" ] .

The tag count shapes look something like

tag:has_exactly_2_tags_rule a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:prefixes rdf: ;
    sh:rule [ a sh:TripleRule ;
            sh:condition tag:has_exactly_2_tags_condition ;
            sh:object tag:has_exactly_2_tags_condition ;
            sh:predicate rdf:type ;
            sh:subject sh:this ] ;
    sh:targetSubjectsOf brick:hasTag .

tag:has_exactly_2_tags_condition a owl:Class,
        sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:property [ sh:maxCount 2 ;
            sh:minCount 2 ;
            sh:path brick:hasTag ] .

This takes advantage of a "hack" which asserts entities to be "instances" of the shapes whose conditions they fulfill.

For these rules to be executed, a Haystack model must be represented as an RDF graph. Luckily this is looks to be very straightforward: to start, all marker tags become the objects of brick:hasTag relationships and all ref tags are translated to their Brick equivalents.


Taking as input the graph:

bldg:abc brick:hasTag "air", "temp", "sensor", "supply", "point" .

the rule above produces the following graph:

bldg:abc brick:hasTag "air", "temp", "sensor", "supply", "point" ;
   # this is inferred automatically
   a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .

Once in an RDF representation, our rules can perform the actual translation work on the model.

Complex Mappings

For cases where there is not a 1-1 relationship between a Haystack proto and a Brick class, it is necessary to figure out how the concept in one is represented in the other3. The complex representation can be specified as a SHACL shape, which is a set of constraints defining what information/properties/types should be associated with an entity.a


  1. We are not yet considering how to handle ref tags and value tags but they can be incorporated into this framework.

  2. See Chapter 4 (specifically section 4.3 and 4.4) of my thesis for an explanation as to "why". Essentially, due to tags like "min" and "max", the "subclass" hierarchy for protos is not equivalent to the lattice defined by a strict subset relationship between tagsets.

  3. From initial experience, it seems that some Haystack protos will map to multiple Brick entities and not the other way around.