
.Net Framework 4.8 COM Visiblity from both C# and VB.Net

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Side-by-side Manifest

Comm visible csharp lib forked from ComVisibleCSharpLibrary

This builds a dll that can be called by VB6.

Added a noddy VB6 example that call's in to the csharp

VB6 has a reference to the TLB

Current TLB build with

Regasm ComVisibleCSharpLibrary.dll /TLB /CODEBASE in folder D:\dev\dotnet\ComVisibleCSharpLibrary\ComVisibleCSharpLibrary\bin\Debug

Then used Side-by-side manifest maker to generate the manifest files, this is the paid for version, this could possible be done with free tools. e.g https://github.com/wqweto/UMMM

All ouptut copied to dist (manual copy ATT)

Dist folder can then be run on sandbox machine without registration


Could be done by hand by using my.exe (I think)

Also could be setup so all files get put to correct place

Perhaps a batch script

Show C# Window

The Show Window button opens a C# window. This is currently a WEbView2 form that can be provided with an HTML name. Thehtml page will be opened, the WebView2 is set to use WebView2Content