
A suffix-tree based search engine for a code base.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Suffix Tree Based Code Base Search

In this mini-project we are going to build a code base search engine with suffix trees, nodejs express framework, and either backbonejs or angularjs for your mvc framework; if you prefer to not use a frontend mvc, that's fine too.

When you've finished, you'll be able to run: node server.js some/directory/to/index/in/a/suffix/tree to load a code base into a suffix tree.

You'll then be able to search your tree with: http://localhost:3000/search/substring_in_the_codebase


Trie Hard, with a Vengeance.

Before you write a single line of code:

Understand suffix trees

  • Why suffix trees exist
  • What kinds of problems do suffix trees solve
  • How do suffix trees work
  • How can we use a suffix tree to pull in the files of a code base to be able to search for matches in the code base?

Reading & Viewing

Set up your environment

  • Fork this project under your github account
  • Clone to your machine
  • Run npm install from the root directory where you cloned This will install the dependencies, which are specified in package.json.
  • Run npm install jasmine-node -g This will install jasmine, so you may run the specs in the terminal.

Run the specs

  • As usual, start by running the specs in spec/javascripts/suffix_tree_spec.js.

  • Some specs will pass, most will fail.

  • The specs along with your understanding of suffix trees and the problem you are solving, will help you through the solution.

One more time:

The key is to understand the problem and how suffix trees solve it, before writing a single line of code. Make sure to draw diagrams of the state changes as a suffix tree gets filled with suffixes. Understand the differences in how new suffixes are added to the suffix tree in various cases. Really, one more time, draw the state changes.