
Short script to display arrival times for a station associated with your wifi network

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MBTA Status Line

Display subway arrival information in your terminal (I use it in my tmux status bar) for stations corresponding to your WiFi network.

Installation and Use

Install node and npm if you haven't already.

# For example, with homebrew on Mac OSX
$ brew install node

Install the script

$ npm install gthole/mbtastatusline

Then create a configuration file at ~/.mbtastatusrc in your user directory.

This should be a JSON object where the keys are the names of the WiFi networks you want to check the MBTA from, and the keys are the subway station IDs to associate with them:

For example:

  "MBTA_API_KEY": "my-key",
  "MyHomeNetwork": {
     "stop": "70092",
     "headsign": "Ashmont"
  "WorkWiFi": {
     "stop": "70048"

The MBTA_API_KEY should be your MBTA API. You can get one at the MBTA developer portal.

Then it should be ready to use!

$ node_modules/.bin/mbtastatusline
South Station: 1 minute, 11 minutes, 33 minutes; 2 alerts!


  • Currently this is MacOSX only.
  • Responses are cached in /usr/local/var/, and you are expected to have write access to that directory.