
Download Unsplash images and resize to a fixed width with Scrapy

Primary LanguagePython

Scrapy Unsplash

Download images from unsplash at a fixed width


# Install pip and virtualenv if you haven't already
$ sudo easy_install pip
$ sudo pip install virtualenv

# Clone this repository and cd into it
$ git clone https://github.com/gthole/scrapy-unsplash
$ cd scrapy-unsplash

# Install dependencies
$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt


# Download images to images/ dir
$ venv/bin/python unsplash.py

Or you can override settings by feeding a settings module to scrapy

$ echo "BASE_WIDTH=320" > settings.py
$ export SCRAPY_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings
$ venv/bin/python unsplash.py

Relevant Settings

  • BASE_WIDTH: The fixed width to resize images to while preserving aspect ratio.
  • ITEM_PIPELINES: Is set by default to the UnsplashPipeline, but can be overriden to the regular ImagesPipeline and used as described in the Scrapy docs
  • IMAGES_STORE: Directory, or S3 uri to persist images in.

You can also apply any normal Scrapy settings