New Time Tables Generator for CTU (CVUT).
- Git 2.25+ (
sudo apt-get install git
) - Boost Lib 1.65+ (
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
) - GCC 7.5+ (
sudo apt-get install gcc g++
) - CMake 3.17+ (how to install on Ubuntu here)
- Python 3.8+ (how to install on Ubuntu here)
- Node.js 12+ (how to install on Ubuntu here)
- Yarn (how to install on Ubutu here)
Generate Sirius API credentials here.
Example configuration
CLIENT_ID=Your client id
CLIENT_SECRET=Your client secret
FACULTY=ID of a faculty (18000 for FIT)
SEMESTER=ID of a semester (B201 for 2020/21)
COURSES=Space separated list of courses (e.g. BI-AAG A0B04N3 BI-AG1 BI-ZDM A0B04GA)
IGNORE_LECT=Space separated list of courses with ignored lectures (e.g. BI-AAG BI-AG1)
IGNORE_TUTS=Space separated list of courses with ignored tutorials
IGNORE_LABS=Space separated list of courses with ignored laboratories
NE_730=Should time tables with classes before or at 7:30 AM be punished? (e.g. true)
NE_915=Should time tables with classes before or at 9:15 AM be punished? (e.g. false)
BUILD=Build folder location (e.g. _build)
PORT=Port which will be used for the HTTP server to serve the generated content
Build and run
This must be your first step
Build or rebuild only
Useful for development
Run only
This can be useful when the app is already built but the config.txt
has changed