
A DNS (Domain Name System) resolver is a crucial component in computer networking that translates human-readable domain names (like www.example.com) into corresponding IP addresses (such as The DNS resolver performs the task of querying DNS servers to obtain the IP address associated with a given domain name. You are required to impleme

DNS Resolver

Note that the code here is not the complete version of the project. The complete code is maintained on GitLab and could be published after 2025 due to UNSW policy.
Please contact me to review the complete version of the code in person.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Demo
3 Basic Version
    3.1 System Overview
    3.2 Communications and the Client-Server Paradigm
    3.3 Client Operation
    3.4 Resolver Operation


A DNS (Domain Name System) resolver is a crucial component in computer networking that translates human-readable domain names (like www.example.com) into corresponding IP addresses (such as The DNS resolver performs the task of querying DNS servers to obtain the IP address associated with a given domain name. You are required to implement a DNS resolver that can resolve domain names to their corresponding IP addresses.



Basic Version

You will develop two network applications:

  1. Resolver: Your resolver will extract information from name servers in response to client requests. In the literature you may come across similar names which share common functionality, such as recursive resolver, recursive server, recursive name server, and fullservice resolver.
  2. Client: Your client will provide a command-line interface to allow users to generate queries, wait for a response, and display the results.

System Overview

A high-level overview and an example of DNS resolution is provided in the figure below. When the resolver is first executed it reads in a “root hints file”, which contains the names and IP addresses of the authoritative name servers for the root zone1 . This is necessary for the resolver to bootstrap the resolution process. The resolver will listen for queries on a UDP port which is specified as a command-line argument. Clients will send queries from a UDP port which is automatically allocated by the operating system. Upon receiving a query, the resolver will repeatedly make non-recursive queries, starting at the root and following referrals, to iteratively resolve the query on behalf of the client.

DNS Resolver

In the example of the figure above, the client is querying to find the domain name to IP address mapping for “www.example.com”. That is, the type “A” resource record(s) associated with “www.example.com”.

The first transaction involves the query (step 1) from the client to the resolver. The resolver will only respond (step 8) once it has obtained the answer. This answer is a result of multiple queries to a number of authoritative DNS servers.

The resolver will typically resend the query (step 2) to one of the authoritative DNS servers for the root zone (“.”), which will respond (step 3) with the list of authoritative DNS servers for the “.com” zone.

The resolver will then resend the query (step 4) to one of the authoritative DNS servers for the “.com” zone, which will respond (step 5) with a list of authoritative DNS servers for the “example.com” zone.

Finally, the resolver will resend the query (step 6) to one of the authoritative DNS servers for the “example.com” zone, which will respond (step 7) with the answer to the original query. That is, a list of IP addresses (the single fictional “N” address in the figure) corresponding to the domain name “www.example.com”.

Note that in this example the resolver arrived at an authoritative answer. However, any of the queried servers may have had the requested records cached, in which case the resolution process may have terminated earlier with a non-authoritative answer.

Communications and the Client-Server Paradigm

You may assume all communication is over UDP/IPv4 and all DNS servers will use port 53, as highlighted in the figure above.

You may also note from the figure that the client port is marked as “OS”. This is to indicate that it should be allocated automatically by the operating system. Meanwhile the resolver port for communicating with clients is marked as “CL”. This is to indicate that it should be specified as a command-line argument. This is because the client will need to initiate communication with the resolver, and therefore the resolver will need to be listening on a known port. The resolver in this situation is the “server” in the “client-server paradigm”. The resolver however does not need to know the client’s port in advance, as it will learn it upon receiving a query and store this information, along with the client’s IP address, to correctly address the response.

Conversely the resolver assumes the role of “client” for resolver-DNS communications. As such, the resolver does not need a known port to perform the query resolution, so it should be allocated automatically by the operating system. The name servers will learn the resolver port and IP address upon receiving a query, and similarly store this information to correctly address the response.

Client Operation

The client will be executed from the command-line. The client should minimally allow for the following command-line arguments:

  1. resolver_ip: the IP address of the host on which the resolver is running. If the client and resolver are running on the same host then this should be the loopback address,
  2. resolver_port: the port on which the resolver is listening. This should match the port argument given to the resolver at run-time.
  3. name: the name of the resource record that is to be looked up.

Consider this example execution where the client is a C program:

$ ./client 5300 www.example.com

The client should initiate a query for the type A record(s) for www.example.com. The query should be sent to the resolver at

The client should implement some basic argument validation. For example, that the necessary number of arguments are provided and that each has the correct domain. If the arguments are invalid then the client should terminate with a usage message, for example:

$ ./client
Error: invalid arguments
Usage: client resolver_ip resolver_port name

Once the arguments are validated the client should construct a DNS query for the given name. This will require a more in-depth understanding of the DNS message format. As a starting point, you should refer to “RFC-1034 Domain Names – Concepts and Facilities” and “RFC-1035 Domain Names – Implementation and Specification”

Resolver Operation

The resolver will be executed from the command-line. The resolver should minimally allow for the following command-line argument:

  1. port: the port on which the resolver should listen for queries. This should match the port argument given to the client at run-time. It should be a value in the range 1024 – 65535.

Consider this example execution where the resolver is a C program:

$ ./resolver 5300

The resolver should bind to UDP port 5300 and listen for client queries.

Once the arguments are validated the resolver should first read in the root hints file, which contains resource records for the root name servers. This file named.root will be located in the working directory of the resolver. You do not need to account for the file being absent, having a different name, or being in a different format. In parsing the file, you may ignore lines that start with a semicolon, which are comments, blank lines, and type AAAA records, which are for IPv6. A copy of the file is available with this specification but may also be downloaded from InterNIC8 .

Once the file has been loaded by the resolver it should bind to the UDP port specified as a commandline argument and listen for queries. During testing the resolver and all clients will be executed on the same host. As such, it is only necessary for the resolver to bind to the loopback interface. You may, however, choose to (also) bind to the network interface such that clients may issue queries from other hosts on the local network.

Once the resolver receives a request it should initiate the resolution process. As a starting point, you should refer to the relevant sections of RFC-1034 and RFC-1035. Note that your resolver is a simplification of the algorithm detailed in those sections. For example, in this basic version your resolver only needs to deal with standard queries, of a single class (“IN”), and a single type (“A”). Additionally, in this basic version your resolver does not need to cache records, multiplex multiple requests, nor deal with a variety of error conditions.