
Simple app to change representation of number - from decimal integer to runic. App is deployed using vercel to:


  • user is able to transform integer value N to runic interpretation where N is in range N> 0 & N ≤ 9999
  • user can see runic interpretation
  • user can save image of runic interpretation


Paragraph contains brief structure explanation - top level and components level.

Top level architecture and tech stack

I've decided to use ts (industry standard, this project contains some non-trivial logic so it was much easier to write it this way), react-sweet-state (to share state in multiple ui components, providerless context like state-management tool), next.js (easy to deploy, uses react and create-next-app has less letters than create-react-app), file-saver (easies way to save files, battle tested). Structure of project is presented below:

Folder Description
controllers Extracted shared state used in more than one ui components
ui Visual components
pages App uses next.js - very opinionated framework. That is why pages folder is present in top level directory

Components level architecture

Ui layer was split into three parts described below:

Folder Description
canvas Component responsible for runic representation
input Component responsible for decimal number representation
common Shared components registry

Controllers layer contains extracted shared state used in more than one ui components

Component level architecture

Single ui component is organized as:

File Description
index Entry point containing business logic
*.module.css CSS used in component (note that name pattern is required by next.js)
utils (optional) Business logic removed from component definition in order to improve readability and testability
messages (optional) User facing messages
types (optional) Types definitions
constants (optional) Predefined constants needed to perform math operations
tests (optional) Unit tests

Additional changes

TS compiler has three non-default options:

  • strictNullChecks
  • noImplicitAny
  • downlevelIteration
  • baseUrl

App uses babel - jest requires modules transpilation. Eslint - with default next config.

How to run it

To start this app run: yarn && yarn dev or use npm if you are old-school boy. When app is started visit http://localhost:3000/

How to test/check/lint it

Linting: yarn lint Testing: yarn test


  • Insufficient tests coverage
    • Proper testing for runic output
    • Proper testing for integration of UI components
    • Proper testing for controllers
    • Snapshot for constants - to be sure it won't be accidentally changed