The home of my code written to tackle 2021's Advent of Code (
These are written in Ruby (2.7.4), and live in the lib directory.
Running tests requires rspec
. If you are developing solutions in this repo, before running tests you would need to run (in the terminal):
bundle install
You can create the basic template files for a given task by running (for example):
rake 'init[dec_01]'
This will create (and initialise with some boilerplate code) the following files:
(for tests)inputs/test/test_dec_01.txt
(for test data)inputs/dec_01.txt
(for challenge input)
Then you just have to copy the inputs from the challenge into the inputs/
Running rake
immediately afterwards should result in 2 failures.
You can run tests by simply running rake
at the terminal, or you can run the code to produce the solutions by running (for example):
rake dec_01
If you want to do this for your own input data, replace the relevant files in the inputs directory first.