
App that can solve calculus series problems using handwriting recognition and the WolframAlpha API. Project for my AP Calculus class.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


iPhone/iPad app that can solve calculus series problems using handwriting recognition and the WolframAlpha API.

This project requires CocoaPods for dependencies. To compile,

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run pod install in the project directory
  3. Register for the Wolfram Alpha API and add your App ID at the top of Series/ViewController.h
  4. Register for the MyScript ATK
  5. Download the MyScript iOS SDK files ATKCore.framework, ATKMath.framework, ATKMathWidget.bundle, and ATKMathWidget.framework and place them in the Series/ directory
  6. Download the MyScript ATK certificate files MyCertificate.h and MyCertificate.m and place them in the Series/ directory
  7. Open Series.xcworkspace in Xcode, build the target "Series," and run on your device