
Poor man's wiki

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

FRI VSš 2014/15

  • Informacije o predmetih
  • Izpitna vprašanja
  • Izpiski


An implementation of communal web-page using GitHub repository, a GitHub page of the project, few bash scripts and a makefile.

I'm currently using it to publish notes from computer science classes. It consists of pages that get generated by parsing markdown files and adding a universal header to them. Each page has its own directory, with a main markdown file called text.md. The header contains links to the main page and markdown file on GitHub, so anyone with a GitHub account can edit the file.

To update the html pages run make command in projects' root. To create a new subpage run create-course <name> script in scripts directory. It will create a new directory containing a markdown file and it will add a new rule to the makefile. makefile only needs to be edited if we add any subpages to the subpage itself.

Templates directory contains a file called head that defines few CSS properties that get added to all the pages. It also contains a file called index that contains the content of the main page (links to the subpages get generated automatically).

In scripts directory there is also a pre-commit hook that can be linked to .git/hooks directory, in order for git to check if site is up to date before every commit. It will run make command and abort the commit it if is not.

How To Run

$ sudo apt-get install markdown
$ git clone https://github.com/gto76/fri
$ cd fri
$ google-chrome index.html