- aksr
- alpha123
- alwayrunchina
- baguetteCharlotte, NC
- boltomliBeijing, China
- BookOwlUSA
- btbytesMicrosoft
- crafteverywhereChina
- drylucidityThe Netherlands
- elibdev
- emmeowzingSBE Vision, Inc.; PremiScale, Inc.
- feyeleanorGames With Brains
- futoaseJapan
- fxghqc
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- imsureDidi
- joeyespoPittsburgh, PA
- johnidmIreland
- jpraher
- lgplgplgplgplgp
- mjvesaTurku, Finland
- muhikhsan101YoExplore
- mwmarklandIBM
- navojArizona State University
- priyatamAmazon
- pyrovski
- sam-splat
- scopatzChicago, IL
- takutiMalawi
- tantalate
- tknarrRenton, WA
- troypLismore, NSW, Australia
- ukyotokyo
- x77686d
- Xdminsy
- yetone@BentoML