
Minimal fast and easy PHP framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A Minimal, Fast and Easy-to-Use PHP Framework.

Quick Start with Docker

Create your project's root directory, then add a source folder e.g.: web (which is going to be the one containing the index.html file) Then clone this repository inside your project source directory, e.g.: web/lib/dophp (you may need to add it as submodule too).

mkdir app && cd app
git init
mkdir web && cd web
mkdir lib && cd lib
git clone https://git.ag2.it/gtozzi/dophp.git
cd ../..
git submodule add https://git.ag2.it/gtozzi/dophp.git web/lib/dophp/

Copy the content of skel directory inside the source directory to get the basic code.

cp -R web/lib/dophp/skel/. .

Make sure the cac directory is writable.

chmod +w -R web/cac/

Now duplicate the file named config.devel.php (which can be found inside the project's source after step 2) and rename the new copy to config.php.

cp web/config.devel.php web/config.php

config.php file contains the basic server configuration parameters like the DataBase connection info, test's and debug's bits and the relative dophp directory location which needs to match with the folder path ('url' => 'lib/dophp', if you followed the example in step 1).

Give your website the appropriate name and a locale by editing base.php file.

Start containers' orchestration

docker-compose up -d

Visit localhost:8081 (if you didn't change docker-compose.yml) from any browser and you should hit the home controller situated in inc directory (index.home.php) which renders the front end page that has the same name in tpl directory, but with .tpl extension instead. HTML, CSS and JavaScript code in .tpl files can be written by following Smarty's syntax, which is part of the framework.