Unofficial e-distribuzione's Smart Info python cummunication library
Example usage:
import smartinfo
import logging
import itertools
# Optional: initialize logging and
# set debug log level to see a lot of spam, raw packets, etc…
# Instantiate the Additional Block (client) over the USB serial connection
ab = smartinfo.ab.AB('/dev/ttyACM0')
# Perform a "Ping" test
# prints:
# True
# Retrieve info about your Smart Info device
# prints:
# SiDeviceInfo(siRelease='SIMSTD1C', siNid='xxxxxxxxxxxx',
# modemSwStackRelease='STstek11', modemFwRelease=171, siType=3)
# Read rows from all tables (100 and 101)
for idx, row in itertools.chain(sic.getTable(100).items(), sic.getTable(101).items()):
if not row:
# Some rows may not be present and will return None
print('{}: {}'.format(row.descr, row.value))
# prints:
# E(t) Total active energy of actual period: 2000000
# DATE: 2019-02-12
# TIME: 07:45:21
# Daylight disabled/enabled: 0
# Tall Time of alarm: 3:12:02
# TypAl Type of Alarm: 0
# Tariff code: 10
# E-(t) Total negative active energy of actual period: 100000
# Total daily active energy current date: 3000
# Instant Power (Average in Time Tx, 1 second) - PTx: 500
# Diagnostic notification queue I: b'<binary data>'
# Diagnostic notification queue II: b'<binary data>'
# Contractual power: 1000
# Available Power: 1100
# Model Type: 0
# POD (Point of Delivery): b'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
# TI Integration time for Load Profile in minutes: 15
# Power Unit Mode: 0
# NID SI: b'<binary id>'
# Reads the total value of positive active energy log
log = sic.getLog(4)
for sample in log.samples:
print(str(sample.timestamp), sample.value)
# prints:
# 2019-02-08 11:05:00 2000000
# 2019-02-08 11:44:00 2000200
# 2019-02-08 11:54:00 2000400
# …
# 2019-02-12 07:37:00 2002000
# Sets Smart Info led as Yellow, blinking fast
sic.setLed(True, 'yellow', 'fast')
# Retrieves notifications from diagnostic registers
for notification in sic.getDiagnostic():
# prints:
# Notification(type=5, typeName='PW_LINK', typeDescr='Power Line Communication Error', code=8, name='NOTIFICATION_INCOMING_NEGATIVE_ENERGY_NOT_VALID_RESUMED', timestamp=datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 24, 23, 21, 10), extra=None)
# Notification(type=5, typeName='PW_LINK', typeDescr='Power Line Communication Error', code=7, name='NOTIFICATION_INCOMING_NEGATIVE_ENERGY_NOT_VALID', timestamp=datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 25, 1, 10, 4), extra=None)
# …
# Clears the diagnostic registers