
Primary LanguageKotlin

News API App

Android - MVVM - Repository - Retrofit - Glide - Dagger&Hilt - Room - Kotlin

The purpose of this news project is to follow up MVVM architectural design pattern. This is a News Application which shows the current, popular and relevant news from https://newsapi.org/ API.

Phone display

Search News


Save News


Web View


Search Filter



The app's functionality includes:

  1. Fetch News data from https://newsapi.org/ & show them in Recycler View with smooth pagination.
  2. Search news from the API and show them in recycler view.
  3. When an item is selected from RecyclerView it will load the detail of the news article.
  4. From Details view, when clicking on the top right button, it will link to the webpage of the news article.


The app uses clean architecture with MVVM(Model View View Model) design pattern. MVVM provides better separation of concern, easier testing, lifecycle awareness, etc.


Model is generated from JSON data into a Kotlin data class.


Used for fetching today's news, searching news & update states. Also send out the status of the network call like Loading, Success, Error using sealed class.

Dependency Injection

The app uses Dagger-hilt as a dependency injection library.

The AppModule.kt class provides Singleton reference for Retrofit, Repository etc.


The network layer is composed of Repository, ApiService. ApiInterface - Is an interface containing the suspend functions for retrofit API call.

MainRepository - Holds the definition of the remote repository call.


In-order to successfully run & test the application you will need an api key.

Go to - https://newsapi.org/ and click Get Api Key

Now Go to - app/src/main/java/dat/extra/Utils.kt

And replace

const val API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Developed By

Giang Tran.