
Compute normalized PageRank values for resources in DBPedia with Hadoop. PageRank is depicted as Markov Chain and the Power Method is applied.

Primary LanguageJava


PageRank Computation for RDF-Graphs.


The PageRank of a graph g with n nodes is a vector with n elements, where an element is a real number from 0 to 1. The nth number denotes the propability of being at node n in time t. Therefore, the PageRank is a propability distribution over g.


The PageRank algorithm was invented by Brin and Page to solvethe fundamental question of any search engine: How relevant is the retrievedinformation for the questioner? PageRank, thereby, relies on the information which is encoded in the linking structure between documents. A document with many incoming links is more important than one with only a few. Further, a document which is linked by an important document is also considered important. That is,the importance of document is defined by the number of linking pages and their importance.

Computaional Model

PageRank employs the so-called random surfermodel: A user which traverses the (web) graph by choosing outgoing links on a random basis and sometimes restarts his/hers traversal at a random node. Mathematically, this can be expressed in Markov chain terms. The current state of a graph has the propability distribution of p (= PageRank Vector). Transition from one graph state to another is moving from one document to another or going to a random node. The propability of a transition from document d1 to another linked document d2 is depicted as: p(d1)/#outlinks(d1). Where #outlinks(d1) is the number of links to otherdocuments. The propabilty of a transition from a document to a random document is defined as 1/numberOfDocuments. p t+1 = p t * M, where M is the transition propability Matrix. M = s * A + t * E where s is 0.85 and t = 1 - s.