

A simple express API written in typescript with example OpenAPI/Swagger annotation which is used to automatically generate beautiful and functional docs for your API.

  • Automated Express/OpenAPI Documentation with tsoa
  • Database: mongodb/mongoose via typegoose
  • Authentication: Sign in With Ethereum with secure sessions via Iron Session
  • Rate limit with Redis


Getting Started

  • Use this template to create a new repositiory
  • Create a ./.env file with the required variables
  • npm run dev or yarn dev to start the app in development mode
  • View the docs at http://localhost:4270/
  • Test your API at http://localhost:4270/v1/

Querying (Find All) Routes

  • Pagination: Use limit and page query parameters to paginate through results.

    • /crud?limit=10&page=1
  • Sorting: Use the sort query parameter to sort results.

    • For ascending sort, just use the field name.
      • /crud?sort=<field name>
    • For descending sort, add a - sign before the field name.
      • /crud?sort=-createdAt
  • Filtering: Use the filters query parameter to filter results. The filters parameter expects an object that includes the filtering rules.

    • Query all items where the name field matches "Item"
      • /crud?filters[name][$eq]=Item
    • Query all items where the rng field is greater than or equal to 0.95
      • /crud?filters[rng][$gte]=0.95
    • Multiple filters
      • /crud?filters[name][$eq]=Item&filters[rng][$gte]=0.95
    • Using Logical Query Operators
      • /crud?filters[$or]=[{"rng.$gte":0.90},{"name.$lte":0.10}]
    • Case insensitive search
      • /crud?filters[$and]=[{"name":{"$regex":"0x123456","$options":"i"}}]
    • Query an array inside a document
      • /api-keys?filters[$and]=[{"scopes":{"$in":["user:read"]}}]

Note that not all MongoDB operators are allowed. You can refer to the documentation for the list of allowed operators.
