
Generic cross-validation framework intended for TREC-style information retrieval research.

Primary LanguagePython


Generic cross-validation framework intended for TREC-style information retrieval research.


The framework is accessed through the run.py file. At least one file containing scored items per-parameter setting is required and may be supplied via the -f and -d options. Typically, the metric to be optimized is also required via the -m option; choice of metric depends on your data. See the help for all options:

./run.py -h



Data Representation

Data must be labeled for each scored item for each available parameter setting. This means that data should be uniquely identified by its item ID/parameter setting tuple; each such pairing will be associated with some type of score. How this data is ingested can be defined by a custom score_readers.ScoreReader, but you can think of the final result as a dictionary of the following form:

  item_id: {
    parameter_setting: score

This form is actually encapsulated in the crossvalidation.Scored class.


The framework is agnostic about what each score represents. If your dataset contains more than one type of score for each item/parameter setting tuple, you likely need to specify to your ScoreReader which metric's scores should be read. This metric is supplied by the -m option to run.py.


Various forms of cross-validation can generally employ the cross_validation.KFoldValidator class. For example, 10-fold cross-validation is the default; leave-one-out cross-validation is possible by setting the number of folds equal to the number of items.

Summary Statistics

To identify the optimal parameter setting, the train split must be summarized into a single statistic. In general, the arithmetic mean does a good job summarizing the items' individual scores. However, it might sometimes make sense to optimize a different metric.

For example, in a minimax scenario, it may be preferable to use the minimum score in the training split as the summary statistic. To do so, we simply override the KFoldValidator class like so:

class MinimaxKFoldValidator(KFoldValidator):
    def summarize(self, items):
        return min(items.values())

Note that by default the KFoldValidator seeks to maximize the summary statistic. If you want to minimize the summary statistic, you should either override the train method or convert your summary statistic to a form that should be maximized (e.g. by multiplying by -1).