Document Expansion

Originally for entity linking in IR, this code has gradually shifted to more generic document expansion.

Configuration Files

Configuration files consist of lines of the form

property: value

At the moment, there's no documentation for which properties a run requires. Looking through the run class (in the edu.gslis.main package) should make it clear.

Run Files

Run files should look something like this:

java -Djava.library.path=/path/to/liblemur_jni/directory/ -cp /path/to/lib/directory/:/path/to/logback.xml/directory edu.gslis.main.RunClass /path/to/config/file


  • You must have Indri installed
  • The lib directory should contain the jars in target/lib as well as the entities-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file in target. Alternatively, entities-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar alone will work, but likely means longer uploads to the server using rsync.
  • The classpath should include the directory containing the logback.xml file; leaving out this file will result in logging to stdout, which will mess up retrieval output.
  • You may need to specify more memory for Java with _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g before the run line, replacing 1 with the needed amount of memory