Evaluation Framework for Indri and Lucene
The ir-tools
Java library provides a consistent framework for the comparative evaluation of information retrieval models using the Indri or Lucene search engines. ir-tools
implements a top-K rescoring model, whereby an initial retrieval using the underlying search engine is rescored. This allows for consistent retrieval model implementations regardless of the underlying search engine. ir-tools
is maintained by researchers at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Key features:
- Consistent interfaces to Indri and Lucene indexes
- Top-K recoring
- Baseline model from both language modeling and vector-space families
- Ability to configure separate background models when use of "future information" is a concern
- Evaluation tools for both ad-hoc and filtering tasks
- Relevance model and Rocchio expansion support
- Classes for the generic representation of feature vectors
- Utilities for conversion of queries and documents
- JSON-based weighted query format
The following instructions assume an Ubuntu system running as root user:
apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk-headless maven
apt-get install r-base
apt-get install build-essential git parallel vim wget zlibc zlib1g zlib1g-dev
For Indri support, ir-tools
requires the Indri system to be installed:
cd /usr/local/src
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/lemur/files/lemur/indri-5.11/indri-5.11.tar.gz/download -O indri-5.11.tar.gz
tar xvfz indri-5.11.tar.gz
cd indri-5.11
./configure --enable-java --with-javahome=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
make install
From Maven Central
The ir-tools
library is available from Maven Central.
Building the To build the ir-tools
mvn package
Usage Examples
Below are a few examples using the ir-tools
Running Indri-style queries with Lucene
run.sh edu.gslis.lucene.main.LuceneRunQuery -index <path-to-index> -queryfile queries/<indri-query-file> -format indri -field text -similarity method:dir,mu:2500 > <path-to-output>
Generating RM3 queries
run.sh edu.gslis.biocaddie.util.GetFeedbackQueries -input queries/<query-file> -output <output-file> -index <index-path> -fbDocs <num-fbDocs> -fbTerms <num-fbTerms> -rmLambda <fbOrigWeight> -maxResults <top-K-num> -stoplist data/stoplist.all -mu <dirichlet mu>"