Why are we here?
- TDD is painful, but is there another way?The Deeper Way
- Don't ship code, solve business needsExecutable specifications
- Do tests codify requirements specs or impl. specsWhat's a Unit Test?
- Are we testing module behaviour or class structureTesting Behaviour
- Tests should be coupled to behaviour, not to structureTDD vs TLD
- How do we drive development through executable requirements?TDD & Clean Architecture
- Driving architecture through system behaviour
TDD is painful, but is there another way?
Write a test class for each production class.
Write a test method for reach production method
Isolate the class under test by mocking out all its collaborators.
Wikipedia says unit testing means testing "Individual units of source code"
, and in the case of OOP that we're testing a "class
, or an individual method"
... We trust Wikipedia...right?
It's normal for test code
to be 2-4X larger
than production code
It's normal that writing unit tests takes up so much time.
It's normal that unit tests break
when we refactor
class design.
Anything that's worthwhile must be painful. No pain, no gain, right?
ATDD and BDD are about behaviours.
They are about testing our system from the user's perspective.
is not about system behaviour, it's about testing classes
and their interactions with other classes.
When we are under pressure and when the budget is tight, let's just keep ATDD/BDD
. It actually tells us if we satisfied user requirements.
Image if TDD could really speed up development?
Image if TDD could be done with significantly less test code?
Image if tests wouldn't break all the time
whilst you refactor your class design?
Image if you could test requirements at the unit level
and get really fast feedback?
Image if anyone - and not just companies with huge budgets
- could get the benefits of TDD?