
mongo-dumper is a simple cli script to easily dump, compress and optionally encrypt your monogdb database/cluster

Primary LanguageShell


mongo-dumper is a simple cli script to easily dump, compress, encrypt and optionally upload your mongodb database/cluster. The tool is using the --archive and optional the --gzip option from mongodump to create a backup. Keep this in mind if you restore your backup with mongorestore.


In order to run the script you need to have gnupg, the minio client (mc) and mongodump installed (version should match the mongodb server).

Make script executable

chmod +x mongo-dumper.sh

Backup with encryption enabled

./mongo-dumper.sh --host localhost --db app --password password --user root --port 27017 --backup-password supersecret --location ./

Backup with encryption disabled

./mongo-dumper.sh --host localhost --db app --password password --user root --port 27017 location ./ --encryption false

Extract backup with encryption enabled

gpg -o backup_file.gz -d backup_file.gpg


Parameter Description Default
host Mongodb host (required)
user Mongodb user (required)
password Mongodb password (required)
db Mongodb db (required if cluster-wide is false)
port Mongodb port 27017
authenticationDatabase Authentication db for the user credentials mongodump assumes the admin database hold the user credentials authenticationDatabase. If cluster-wide is false mongodump assumes that the db specified holds the user credentials
location Location for the backup $HOME
backup-password Password for encryption (required if encryption is true)
encryption Enable/disable encryption true
cluster-wide Backup whole mongodb cluster false
upload If true it will upload the backup to a s3 compatible storage false
endpoint s3 compatible endpoint (required if upload is true)
bucket s3 bucket for uploading (needs to end with a slash) (required if upload is true)
access-key s3 compatible storage access-key (required if upload is true)
access-secret s3 compatible storage secret-key (required if upload is true)
api-version api-signature (minio client) S3v4
minio-client custom location of the minio client (e.g ./mc) mc

Build docker image

# Example to build for mongodb 5.0
docker build --no-cache --build-arg MONGODB_VERSION=5.0 -t mongo-dumper:mongo-5.0 .

Prebuild docker images


docker run gtuk/mongo-dumper:mongo-5.0 --host <HOST> --password <PASSWORD> --user <USER> --port <PORT> --backup-password <SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD> --location ./ --cluster-wide true --upload true --endpoint <ENDPOINT> --access-key <ACCESS_KEY> --secret-key <SECRET_KEY> --bucket <BUCKET> --minio-client ./mc