K8s Hackaton

This repo contains a simple Flask app and a mariaDB database. (and an nginx proxy, which we won't use)

The program takes a integer as input and factorizes it. It stores the result to the database.

Goal: To set up deployment for the flask app and the mariaDB database.


Make sure that your docker daemon is running. Start up minikube with minikube start

We need the our docker images to be available in minikube.

minikube docker-env export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1" export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/henrik/.minikube/certs" export MINIKUBE_ACTIVE_DOCKERD="minikube"

To point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon, run: eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

Now run the suggested command to point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

To build all necessary images run docker compose build

You should now be ready


Task 1: Make a deployment for a pod running a mariadb:10-focal image. (pulled from the public docker repo)

Task 2: Make a deployment for a pod running the flask app: k8stutorial-backend

Task 3: Make a service for the mariaDB pod. This must listen to port 6000 to work

Task 4: Make a service for the backend pod. This needs to be available outside the cluster. Hint: specify loadBalancer and NodePort